14. Hyung

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A couple of weeks passed by without any news from the battle field. No one knew what was happening, except for the fact that Sir Jung was brought back to the palace about an hour ago because of a grave injury. 

Jimin and Taehyung had heard the news from one of the maids that tended to them and had been dying to visit him since then, but the guards wouldn't let them enter Sir Jung's room because of the presence of Madam Jung and the Royal Surgeon. 

They asked the guards to let them in after Madam Jung left, and walked back to Yoongi's mansion. 

"Oh god, I just wish the war ends. I hate knowing that people are getting injured" Taehyung said. "I know, right? I wish all the weapons would just fly out of our soldiers' hands and finish off the enemy's army" Jimin said. 

"That would be wonderful, but we are not in the Bermuda Triangle right now. Your wish is not gonna be fulfilled" Taehyung said. "Right" Jimin sniggered. 

"Also, if I were you, I wouldn't wish for the weapons to finish them. They are humans too. They are fighting for their own King. They did nothing wrong. They don't deserve to die that way" Taehyung said. 

Jimin hummed thoughtfully. "You are right" he said. 

"Excuse me, sir" someone called out from behind them, making the two of them turn around. "Ohh, Minho-ssi! We told you to call us by our names, didn't we?" Taehyung asked. "You did, sir" Minho said. "Then stop that 'sir' shit and call us by our names alreadyyy" Jimin whined. 

Minho chuckled. "Okay, okay, Taehyung sir and Jimi-okay, okay, Taehyung and Jimin" he corrected himself after receiving deadly glares from Taehyung and Jimin. "Sir Min is requesting your presence" he said. 

"Who is Sir Min? Min Yoongi-ssi?" Jimin asked. "Yes, si....yes" Minho said, making Taehyung and Jimin chuckle. "Let's go, then" Taehyung said and gestured to Minho to lead the way. 

In the past two weeks, they had conversed quite a bit with Minho, the head guard of Yoongi's mansion, and had become considerably close to him. Especially Taehyung, who couldn't stop talking about how cool Minho was. 

Jimin doubted that Taehyung was starting to develop a crush on him, but he didn't voice it out loud. 

"We are here" Minho said, pulling Jimin out of his thoughts. 

They were just about to enter the room when a tall lady walked out of it with her head hanging low and the back of her hand covering her mouth and nose. Taehyung could swear he heard a sob when she passed by him. 

'Must be Madam Jung' he thought. 

The first thing that they did after entering Sir Jung's room was to gasp loudly. There he was, Sir Jung, lying unconsciously on the bed, looking almost dead, with lots of blood oozing out of his chest, no matter what Yoongi did to try and stop it. 

"Oh my god" Taehyung whispered and stepped forward while Jimin stayed rooted in his place, staring at Sir Jung's chest with huge, shocked eyes. 

Yoongi was busy grinding different herbs in a frenzy while holding a huge cloth to Sir Jung's chest with one hand. Taehyung noticed his struggle and ran to the other side of the bed and took the cloth from Yoongi. 

Yoongi grimaced at him thankfully and began to grind the required herbs properly. 

Seeing as the cloth was completely soaked with blood, Jimin ran to Yoongi's side and took another cloth and handed it to Taehyung. 

"Thanks" Taehyung said and handed Jimin the bloodied cloth and began to fold the new one to use it better. But before he could place it on Sir Jung's chest, his eyes landed on the wound on it. 

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