51. Bath area and zooming boxes

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Three months, Three weeks, Three days, Three hours, Three minutes, Three seconds later.....

Taehyung had always wondered how it would feel to drown. Just out of curiosity. Being a good swimmer himself, he had never drowned. And it had always been one of his curiosities.

What did it feel like to drown?

But he had lost that curiosity when he woke up in the middle of a lake after a terrific crash of his plane almost a year ago. 

He knew how the water burned in his lungs and stopped him from breathing anymore. He knew how horrible it felt. 

But he thought he could do it. He thought he could maintain a levelled head when their ship vibrated violently and got sucked into a giant whirlpool. As he had experienced it once, he thought he could safely navigate his husband, his friend and his friend's girlfriend through the whirlpool, but he was wrong. 

As the water around them swished violently and rotated them round and round at a crazy speed, the only thing that Taehyung could think of was to hold hands as tight as he could. 

Taehyung and Jimin managed to maintain their consciousness while Jeongguk and Jeongyeon, who got overwhelmed by the situation, lost theirs almost the second the water started whirling rapidly. 

Thus, Taehyung and Jimin tried their best to hold their hands tight and keep them together. 

None of them noticed that they could breathe comfortably. That there was no water in their lungs. They were too busy being whirled around in the whirlpool. They were too busy trying not to get overwhelmed by the amount and force of water around them. 

In the middle of the chaos of the whirlpool, they couldn't even think of all the things that they had rehearsed beforehand. 

As they neared the eye of the pool, the only thoughts in their minds were to remain together and reach the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico in the twenty first century. 

They had decided to think of the day next to the crash beforehand, but as they neared the eye of the whirlpool, that thought didn't even cross their minds. 

When their feet finally hit the eye of the whirlpool, the wind got knocked out of their lungs and their eyes rolled into their heads almost immediately. 

Just like the previous time, they stayed unconscious in the whirlpool for almost a week and a half as their bodies got transported to the other century and when they did gain consciousness, all they did was panic. 

Fortunately, as they were in a swimming pool, they didn't drown. Instead, they scared the life out of a couple of students who had just walked into the University pool. 

"W-W-Where d-did you come f-from?!?!?!?!?!?!" one of the guys yelled and if Jeongyeon didn't have her eyes open, she would have thought it was a girl who yelled. 

The guy cleared his throat and tried to control his shock and brought his pitch down and asked again in a deeper voice as he watched the four of them shake the water out of their eyes and swim to the end of the pool. 

"We were swimming the whole time, you guys didn't notice us, I guess" Taehyung said and walked towards the towel compartment. "In those clothes?" the guy asked, pointing to their extremely old fashioned hanboks. "Yupp" Taehyung answered. 

Jeongguk, who noticed that Taehyung was walking as if he knew this place like the back of his hand, voiced his doubt out to Jimin, but before he could get a reply, the other guy gasped loudly and pointed at Taehyung openly. 

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