30. Firecannon

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"Your Majesty" the guards outside the Min mansion bowed down to pay respects to their King. Jeongguk gave them a nod before walking into the mansion. 

"Call Sir Min" he said to one of the guards on his way and settled down on a seat in the living room while Taehyung walked towards his room to inform Jimin about their plan. 

"Your Majesty" Yoongi called out as he walked behind the guard that had informed him about Jeongguk's presence in his living room. 

Jeongguk gave him a nod and dismissed the guard before relaxing and flopping onto the seat. 

"Why are you here so late in the night?" Yoongi asked. "I am planning to take Taehyung hyung to Mayvill under disguise. Just came to inform you" Jeongguk said.

As the King of an empire, it was his duty to let someone know where he was going, so that someone knew where he was if something unfortunate happened to him. 

"Ohh, alright. But why only Taehyung? Take Jimin with you too" Yoongi said. 

"Umm....I am not that close with Jimin hyung...." Jeongguk said. 

"And you are close with Taehyung?" Yoongi asked, arching an eyebrow at him. 

"Yes. We've become really close in the past few weeks. I thought you noticed it" Jeongguk said. "I did, but......alright. I don't have anything to say. Are you going to Aurora as well?" Yoongi asked. "I don't know. Let's see" Jeongguk said. "Alright" Yoongi said. "Where is he, by the way?" he asked. "He went to inform Jimin hyung" Jeongguk said. "Ohh, alright".

"I'm done informing him. We can go now" Taehyung said from behind him. "Good, let's go" Jeongguk said and stood up. "Have a good night, hyung" he said and walked out along with Taehyung. 

"So, where are we going?" Taehyung asked. "Mayvill. The capital of my Kingdom. The city where a lot of interesting things happen at night" Jeongguk said. "Ohh, nice, nice. How are we going? By walk?" Taehyung asked. 

"No. By horse" Jeongguk said. 

"What?! I can't ride a horse!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Who said you are riding it?" Jeongguk asked as he nodded at the guard outside the stable. 

The guard immediately rushed inside and walked out with a magnificent black horse. Jeongguk gave the guard another nod before climbing onto the horse majestically. 

Taehyung stared at him with his jaw hanging open. Never did he think he would get turned on by the sight of a sexy man on a majestic horse. But here he was, turning his head away in embarrassment once his dick started twitching. 

"How...How do I climb it?" he asked. Jeongguk rolled his eyes before chuckling slightly. He gestured to the guard to help Taehyung up. 

"Ooooohh, it feels good" Taehyung said once he sat on the horse and watched the guard leave them alone. "This is my most favourite horse. His name is Firecannon. He is the best one we have" Jeongguk said and gave the horse a harsh pat. 

The horse neighed excitedly before lifting its front limbs high up in the air. "EOMMA!!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly and wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's waist in a flash. 

Jeongguk chuckled again. "So scared all the time" he said. "Hello, Mister!! I've never even seen a proper horse until now, okay? You can't just expect me to be all jolly when a horse is trying to throw me off its back!!" Taehyung retorted. 

"It wasn't trying to throw you off its back. It was trying to show that it was excited" Jeongguk said before giving the horse another pat. 

"Didn't look like that to me" Taehyung grumbled and tightened his hold around Jeongguk. Jeongguk smiled down at Taehyung's hands before placing his own hand on it. 

"Hold on tight" he said. "You bet" Taehyung said, making him chuckle again. 

He took his hand off and grabbed the reins. "Alright, then. Let's go. GO!" Jeongguk yelled and pulled the reins harshly, making the horse neigh once again out of excitement. 

"EOMMA!!" Taehyung yelled again once the horse started galloping. It took some time for him to let go of his fear and actually enjoy the way the air hit his face and swept his slightly long hair backwards. 

"It feels awesome!!! WOOHOHOHOOOOOOO!!!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly. Jeongguk grinned widely as he rode the horse, feeling proud of himself for making him enjoy so well. 

"Jeongguuuukkkkk!!! Go fas-"

"Shhhhhh!!! You can't call me by my name outside the palace! We are under disguise for a reason" Jeongguk cut him off. 

"Right. Sorry" Taehyung said and snorted loudly. "Damn!!! This really feels so great!!!" he exclaimed. 

"I know, I know. I love him for a reason" Jeongguk said and patted Firecannon proudly. 

"I love him too.....huh? Why did you stop?" Taehyung asked. 

"We are here. We can't go into the city with the horse. People will find it suspicious. We have to walk from here" Jeongguk said. 

"Why? Don't people use horses to move around inside the city?" Taehyung asked. "They do, but my horse is a royal one. People can identify it quickly" Jeongguk said and gestured to Taehyung to get down from the horse. 

"Okay" Taehyung said and brought his leg around clumsily, sitting on the horse sideways. "Uff" he jumped down from the horse the way he would jump from the top of a wall. 

"That is the most inelegant way in which you can get off a horse" Jeongguk said and easily got off the horse as elegantly as possible. 

"Well, I'm not the one who spent my whole life travelling on horses" Taehyung retorted sassily. 

"How did you travel then? On dogs?" Jeongguk asked, making Taehyung gape at him. 

"If that was a joke, it was really lame" Taehyung said. "I wasn't joking.....?" Jeongguk trailed off.

Taehyung scoffed. "We didn't use animals to travel in our century. We had vehicles that moved a hundred times faster than animals" he said.

"Ohh. That's nice. I don't understand how, though. Let's just go now" Jeongguk said. 

"Wait! What should I call you? You said I wasn't supposed to call you by your name" Taehyung said. 

"Yes. You choose whatever you want. Hyungs generally call me 'Dongsaeng' when we come out like this. And Jeongyeon calls me Oppa" Jeongguk said. 

"Ohh. I'll call you JK" Taehyung said. "Huh? What's that?" Jeongguk asked. "Your initials" Taehyung said. 

Jeongguk gave him a weird look. "My initials are Jieut, Jieut, Giyeok" he said. 

"Yeah. That's in Korean. I'm talking about English. Another language. Jimin and I lived in a country that talked English. So we are used to it. We made this name for you together" Taehyung said. 

"Whatever. Let's go" Jeongguk said. 

"What are we going to do?" Taehyung asked. 

"Chill on the banks of the River Nyre" Jeongguk said proudly. 


"Watch a puppet show."

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