18. Chef In

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"I heard you were back" she said, her voice breaking at the end of it and her eyes trained on Jeongguk.

Jeongguk stood up and was about to walk to her, with guilt dripping in his stance, when her eyes landed on Taehyung and Jimin. 

"Nevermind. Looks like you have guests. Entertain them. Your wife can wait" she said and left before Jeongguk could reply. 

 "Jeongguk, please don't tell me you actually meant it when you said you were going to freshen up in Hobi's mansion" Seokjin said in a warning tone. 

Jeongguk simply looked down without answering him, but his guilty silence was enough of an answer for everyone.

"Jeongguk-aaaaahh!! Are you out of your mind? Do you know how worried she had been when you were out there fighting every single day? Didn't Namjoon and Yoongi go and visit their wives just to make sure they wouldn't worry about them anymore? What the hell is wrong with you, Ggukie? We know you don't love her, but this isn't how you treat someone who genuinely worries about you!! She is your wife, for god's sake! You can't just ignore her existence that way!" Seokjin burst out, having had enough of Jeongguk behaving like he was leading a single life. 

Hoseok, who had startled awake the second Seokjin started yelling, sighed and shook his head before sitting up, understanding the whole situation perfectly. 

"Let's not talk about it and overwhelm Taehyung and Jimin now, hyung. Jeonggukie, you have to go to Jeongyeonie. Now. Hyung is right. You can't ignore her existence just because you don't love her. She has been nothing but good and kind and lovely towards you no matter how much you shun her away. Go and meet her now and spend the night with her. Go" he said sternly. 

Yoongi and Namjoon nodded their heads, silently telling Jeongguk that they were not going to support him in this matter. 

"Alright, hyung. Take care. Thank you for helping my hyung, Taehyung hyung. Sleep well, everyone" Jeongguk said and walked out of the room without waiting for any response from the rest of them. 

Jimin and Taehyung's eyebrows jumped up and down from the awkwardness of the situation. 

"I didn't know Jeongguk was married" Jimin started awkwardly. "How can someone ascend a throne without getting married?" Namjoon asked. "Ohh" Taehyung said, "I didn't know such a rule exists."

"It does" Yoongi said, "you can ascend the throne only when you have a wife."

"But....Jeongguk is g-" Taehyung got cut off by Jimin, who cleared his throat loudly. "When did he get married?" he asked, side-eyeing Taehyung and silently asking him to shut the fuck up. 

"A week before our father passed away. Two weeks after he got announced as the next King" Seokjin said. "Ohh. And when was that?" Taehyung asked. "About a year ago" Namjoon said. "Ohh, okay" Taehyung said and they dropped the subject after that. 

Unfortunately, that was the last Taehyung saw of Jeongguk in the next couple of weeks. Jimin, being the newly appointed assistant of Seokjin, the King's Advisor, got to see Jeongguk when Seokjin visited him for the matters regarding the Kingdom, but that was it. They couldn't see him at any other time. Not even while eating. He had ordered the servants to bring food to his room as he couldn't spare enough time to walk to the Dining Hall. 

"Why does he have so much work?!" Taehyung asked one night when he and Jimin decided to take a post-dinner stroll in Yoongi's garden. 

"Seokjin hyung said that it was because he now has to manage Alyndus along with Oryn" Jimin said. "Ohh, right. Do you have any idea of what happened to the King of Alyndus? Like, how exactly did he lose the war?" Taehyung asked, plucking a small leaf from one of the bushes and shredding it into pieces as they walked. 

"I don't know the details, but I heard that Jeongguk killed him towards the end of the fight" Jimin said. "Damnn" Taehyung said. "I know, rig-ohh! Isn't that Namjoon hyung?" Jimin exclaimed, looking at the back of a man who was walking slightly ahead of them. 

"It is! Let's ask him about the details" Taehyung said and called him out, but he didn't turn back. 

"NAMJOON HYUNG!!!" Jimin and Taehyung yelled together, but he just kept on walking as if it wasn't him that these guys were calling. "Aish, what's up with him?" Taehyung muttered and jogged forward to catch up with him. 

"Hyung!!" he exclaimed and placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him, making him flinch and turn back. "Ohh! Sorry, I am so sorry, I thought you were Namjoon hyung" Taehyung said, bowing repeatedly to the stranger in front of him. 

"It's alright" the man said and smiled at Taehyung. "May I know your name?" he asked. "I am Kim Taehyung and this is my best friend Park Jimin" Taehyung said, pointing to Jimin, who had finally caught up to them. 

"That isn't how you are supposed to introduce yourself" said Yoongi, who had been taking a stroll in the other part of the garden and had heard Taehyung call out for Namjoon repeatedly. 

"Ohh, hyung! We didn't know you were here too!" Jimin exclaimed. "Now you do" Yoongi said and turned to the man in front of them. 

"Greetings, Chef In. This is Kim Taehyung, my assistant and this is Park Jimin, His Highness Kim Seokjin's assistant. And this is In Guk Du, the Palace's Head Chef" Yoongi said and turned to Taehyung and Jimin. 

"You have to mention your positions as well when you are introducing yourself to someone" he said. "Ohh, okay, hyung" Jimin said while Taehyung nodded silently and turned to smile at the Chef. "I really thought you were Namjoon hyung. I am really sorry for wasting your time, though" he said. 

"It's alright, I don't mind it. I got to know you two. I kept wondering who those two extra guests who kept joining His Majesty's circle for dinner every night were" Chef In said, making them give him an awkward smile. 

"I will get going then, Sir Min. My Lady is waiting for me" Chef In said and bowed to Yoongi. "Sure" Yoongi said and bowed back to him and watched his back as he retreated towards his quarters. 

"He looks like Namjoon hyung, right? He toooootally looks like him from behind" Jimin said. "He does. He was appointed a month or so before the war started, so I didn't notice it much" Yoongi said, still staring at his back. 

"Hmm....okay, hyung. We'll go and sleep now. Good night" Taehyung said after walking together for a while. "Sure. Good night. Wake up early. Your training begins tomorrow" Yoongi said, reminding him about the training that he was about to take from Yoongi regarding different ways of treating people with the herbs present in his garden and storage. 

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