45. Bermuda plans

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It took a couple of hours more for Taehyung to start walking around like nothing was wrong with him. 

"Where's Jeongguk?" he asked Jimin, who had refused to leave his side even for a second. "He went to call the Alyndus Prince out to a battle" Yoongi said. 

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "What's the guarantee that he will come out when Jeongguk calls him?" he asked. 

"He will come out. Calling someone out to a battle is a matter of pride for both the parties. He will come out for sure if he doesn't want the world to talk about him being a coward" Hoseok said. 

"Ohh. When will he come back, then?" Taehyung asked. "I don't know. Depends on when he kills or defeats the Prince" Hoseok said. "Ohh" Taehyung said and sighed. 

"We will give you both some time to talk" Yoongi said and got up from his chair. 

"Hyung, the shi-"

"We will get the ship arranged for you, Jimin-ah. Don't worry" Yoongi said and left the room along with Hoseok in search of Seokjin, who had never returned after taking Jeongguk to his mansion. 

"What ship?" Taehyung asked after they left. 

"I told them about going back home. I said I wanted a ship arranged" Jimin said. "Ohh.....what did Jeongguk say?" Taehyung asked in a small voice. "He didn't want you to leave, of course. He was begging me not to take you away from him" Jimin said and sighed. 

Taehyung sighed as well. Was he being selfish again? He was sure that nothing would get better if he stayed here, but he was also sure that he was going to break Jeongguk's heart by trying to do something good for his Kingdom. 

"You think this is a good idea?" he asked after a while. "I am sure, Taehyung. It's you who has to decide. I am damn sure this is the best thing we can do. Who knows when you will become a target again?" Jimin asked. 

"This isn't about me, Jimin-ah. I am thinking about the damage I brought to the Kingdom" Taehyung said. "And I am thinking about the damage the Kingdom has brought to you. About the damage that it is further going to bring to you" Jimin stressed. 

"Alright, I get it. I wouldn't want to lose you either. Did you talk to Jeongyeon about it?" Taehyung asked. 

"Yeah. She said she'll come. Something about having no reason to live in this century when I leave her" Jimin said with a smug smile. "Eww, so cheesy" Taehyung chuckled. "I know, right?" Jimin said. 

"So you are gonna control the ship, right? Did you think of what we are gonna do after getting sucked into it?" Taehyung asked. 

"Yupp. That's literally the only thing I've been thinking about ever since you got shot" Jimin said. 

Taehyung rolled his eyes and chuckled softly. "Call Jeongyeon here. Let's discuss about it" he said. "Okay, wait" Jimin said and walked out of the room to ask one of the guards to call Jeongyeon. 

"Did you think of bringing Jeongguk with us?" he asked as they waited for Jeongyeon to arrive. "Jimin, he has a Kingdom to rule" Taehyung deadpanned. "Right" Jimin said and sighed. 

"He's gonna be devastated" he said. "I know" Taehyung sighed sadly. "I might regret it later, but for now, I feel like this is the best option we have to revive his Kingdom" he said. "Hmm, I understand" Jimin said. 

"You called me?" Jeongyeon asked as she walked into the room. "Yeah. Take a seat" Jimin said, pointing to a chair next to the bed. 

"Why are you guys here, by the way?" Jeongyeon asked after sitting down. "Because I got shot by an arrow and almost died because of that" Taehyung said as if he was talking about his nails getting cut. 

"What?! Where?! When?!" Jeongyeon asked while her eyes raked over Taehyung's body, trying to locate the arrow. 

"Chill, Jeongie. It isn't there anymore. I got healed" Taehyung said, chuckling at her panic. "How-oh, right. Your power" Jeongyeon said and received a nod from the other two. 

After Taehyung and Jeongguk's marriage, Taehyung and Jimin had decided that Jeongyeon had the right to know about them completely and had thus shared the secret about their power with her. 

"So, umm.....Jeongie, you remember talking about going to our century, right? You still wanna go with us?" Jimin asked. "Of course" Jeongyeon said. "Good. I asked Jeongguk to arrange a ship for us. We'll be leaving as soon as the ship is ready. Is that okay?" Jimin asked. 

"Yeah, no problem. It's not like I will miss anyone here, anyway. Maybe my parents, but the trip to their Kingdom is not worth it" Jeongyeon said. 

"Hmm.....so yeah, we called you so that we can discuss about the plans" Taehyung said. 

"Ohh, okay. Does Jeongguk oppa know that I'm leaving with you guys?" Jeongyeon asked. "Nope. I didn't get the chance to tell him. We'll tell him once he returns from the battle" Jimin said. 

"What battle?" Jeongyeon asked. "He went to call the Alyndus Prince out to a battle" Jimin said. "Ohh? Alone?!" Jeongyeon exclaimed. "I guess. Why?" Jimin asked. "I heard that the Alyndus Prince is quite powerful" Jeongyeon said sadly. 

"Ohh....shit. I hope he returns safely" Taehyung said with a frown on his face. If one observed closely, they would even find tears in his eyes. "Yupp. Me too" Jimin nodded, making Jeongyeon nod as well. 

"So yeah, let's plan this now. First of all, when we get sucked into the Triangle, we should make sure not to let each other go" Taehyung said, remembering how he hadn't let go of Jimin until the very last second. He didn't know if that was important, but he decided that it was best if they did everything that they had done when they first got sucked into it. 

"Right. And we have to think of the place and century and all as well. I really hope this works and we don't end up as a T-Rex's dinner" Jimin said. 

"Hey, don't jinx it!!" Taehyung scolded. 

"Right. Sorry. So yeah....when do you think we should go back? I think we can go back only to a time after we crashed.....like.....we can't live in two bodies, right? I mean, we can't go back to a time where we are already present. I think it's gonna be absurd" Jimin said. 

"You are right. And we can't go to Korea because our passports are currently in the ocean" Taehyung reminded. 

"Right. Fuck it" Jimin cursed. "So we have to go back to Mexico and then think about the rest. I think it's best if we go a day after the cra-"

"No, I think it is best to go before the crash itself. It will too much if we have to explain what we did for a whole day without even boarding the planes" Taehyung said. 

"Right. They will be getting a list of the passengers who died in the crash. At least we can say we never boarded the planes" Jimin said. 

"But how are we gonna explain our clothes and lack of luggage and all that shit?" Taehyung asked. 

"Oh fuck, that's there, right? How about just telling them the truth?" Jimin asked. 

Taehyung gaped at him open mouthed. "You know what? We are gonna end up in water anyway, right? The crash happened on Friday. Let's go back on Saturday and think of our University pool. There won't be any people in the Uni and we can try to get some clothes from the lockers of our juniors. The rest, let's go according to the flow. We can tell them we got homesick or something" he said. 

"Perfect. Now we wait for the ship" Jimin said and leaned back on his chair. 

"Yes. Now we wait" Jeongyeon said and nodded even though she didn't understand a single word of what the two had just discussed. She was just contended with the fact that the two didn't want to leave her out of anything. 

"Yupp. Now we wait" Taehyung said. 

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