17. A few more hyungs

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Everything was fine and shine until the second Jeongguk, Namjoon and Yoongi stepped out of the room. 

Being in a room full of men filled with adrenaline had rubbed off on Jimin and Taehyung, but once the three of them stepped out, the adrenaline wore off, leaving them standing awkwardly, wondering how in the hell they just managed to weasel their way into the King's inner circle. 

"Don't feel awkward. Come and sit" Seokjin said, pointing to a couple of chairs around Hoseok's bed. 

Taehyung and Jimin let out an awkward laugh and sat down on the edges of the chair, ready to jump up the second Seokjin had enough of them and decided to chase them out. 

"Hey, I'm not going to release a hound on you. You can relax" Seokjin said, chuckling at the tensed behaviour of the two people that he had intimidated around a couple of weeks ago in Jeongguk's tent. 

"Haha, that's not it, Your Highne-" "Call me hyung" Seokjin said. "Sure, hyung" Jimin said after a few seconds of gaping at Seokjin, suddenly feeling more at ease in front of him. 

'What am I feeling awkward about? They were just doing their jobs back then in Jeongguk's tent. They trust us now and are showing us their true colours. I shouldn't feel so awkward about it' he thought. 

"You look really handsome, hyung" Taehyung said. "I know" Seokjin replied, without missing a beat. Taehyung just blinked, not knowing how to react to that, but Hoseok burst out laughing. "Don't scare the kids away, hyung" he said. 

"Shut up" Seokjin said and grinned at Hoseok. "You two are very handsome too" he said. "Thank you, hyung" Jimin and Taehyung said. 

They spent the next hour getting to know each other and growing closer and before they knew it, time flew by and soon, Namjoon was walking into the room, looking fresh and hot, with a huge grin on his face. 

The dimples that his face had been sporting until then disappeared and appeared as a frown between his eyebrows the second he realized that Hoseok was asleep and that Jeongguk and Yoongi weren't back yet. 

He almost considered turning around and going back to his mansion and returning after a while, but he realized that he didn't actually have to talk only to his brother. There were two other people in the room who he could talk to, now that they were going to be a part of Jeongguk's inner circle. 

"Hello" he said and received two 'Your Highness'es and bows in return. "Oh god, you are a part of the inner circle now. You can call me hyung" Namjoon said, making Seokjin roll his eyes and the other two chuckle. 

"When did he fall asleep?" he asked after sitting down on a chair, pointing to Hoseok. Taehyung and Jimin waited for Seokjin to reply, but when the reply never came, they looked up at Namjoon and realized that the question was directed at them and not Seokjin. 

"Around fifteen minutes ago. He was tired, I guess. He did suffer for four hours today and lost a lot of blood" Taehyung said sadly. "Right" Namjoon said and settled in his chair comfortably. 

"Anyways, now that we have time and nothing better to do, tell me what a phone is" he said, and thus, Taehyung and Jimin launched into an animated explanation of what a phone was and how it was the only human body part that was made of a metal cover. 

Namjoon looked scandalized when they first said 'People are basically born with it', but soon realized that they meant that people never let go of it. 

"You have a strange way with your words" he said. "Is that a compliment?" Taehyung asked. "I didn't mean it as a compliment, but you can take it however you want" Namjoon said, grinning widely at the two of them. 

Seokjin rolled his eyes again for the hundredth time that day, which finally got noticed by Jimin. He remembered the tension that he had felt between the two Princes back in Jeongguk's tent and decided to involve them in a conversation and see what would happen. 

But before he could actually go with his plan, Jeongguk walked in, shortly followed by Yoongi. Taehyung's breath hitched the second his eyes fell on Jeongguk. 

If he thought Jeongguk looked hot when he had sweat on his body, he had no words for how damn hot he looked after showering and putting his royal robes on. 

'How can someone smile like a cute little baby boy and still look so damn hot??' 

He felt like he could spend all day staring at that wide chest. He wondered what it would feel like to paint that huge chest purple and lick th-

'What the fuck am I thinking? No one can ever beat Jimin. Shut the fuck up and stay loyal to him' he scolded himself and snapped himself out of his thoughts, only to be faced by an evil smirk from Jimin. 

He glared at him, silently asking him to stop being so smug, before turning back to the rest of them in the room, only to realize that Jeongguk had been asking him something. 


"Sorry?" he asked, feeling embarrassed. 

"Would you like to stay and join us for dinner?" Jeongguk repeated. 

"Umm...." Taehyung looked at Jimin, silently asking him if he wanted to stay. Jimin shrugged, telling him that he was fine with anything. 

"They'll stay, of course" Yoongi said, making Taehyung and Jimin gawk at him for the second time that day. 

'What happened to that intimidating Mr. Min??' they thought. 

Jimin cleared his throat. "Umm....yeah, we will" he said, making everyone smile widely. Seokjin was just about to thank them once again for saving Hoseok's life, when they heard slight commotion outside the room. 

"Your Majesty, they asked us not to let anyone in until they say otherwise" they could hear the faint voice of the guard outside the room. 

'Your Majesty?' Taehyung mouthed at Jimin, who looked equally surprised. 

"Shut up. You should know better than to stop me from meeting my husband" a familiar voice answered. 

'Where did we hear this voice before?.....Oh!! It's...' 

The door opened and there stood the lady who visited Hoseok that afternoon along with Tzuyu. The lady that had caught Jimin's attention. The beautiful lady with those sad eyes. 


"I heard you were back" she said, her voice breaking at the end of it and her sad eyes trained on Jeongguk. 

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