Books & Conversation || Celesgami (Celestia Ludenberg x Byakuya Togami

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(A/N) I don't have much to say about this jcjfjjdcbfb um yeah. I have barely any motivation so this is probably trash. sorry about that. feel free to leave requests below just no lemon/lime/smut or anything like that. this takes place in Chapter 3 before any deaths occur.
Type: Fluff/Neutral??
Spoilers: None

credits unknown, if you own the art above please let me know so I can give you proper credits!

Request by @LonleyGayHoe

3rd person POV:
Celestia was in the dining room with Hifumi and Asahina. "Yamada, make us some tea. I will have the usual." Celestia said. She looked over to him. "Yes ma'am!" She looks away, "Hina. What would you like?" Celeste questions. "Hmm.. Can you maybe see if there's any donuts?" She replied with obvious excitement in her voice. "Yes ma'am!" Hifumi says again.

He scurries off to the kitchen to try finding donuts. (he ended up running around the entire kitchen searching, but he found some LMFAO)

"Sooo, what did you call me here for, Celeste?" Asahina asks. "Well, Sakura-san has told me you just finished reading a book. It just so happens to be a book I finished not long ago. I called you here to see if you would maybe like to discuss the book with me?" She says. "Oh! Are you talking about the MHA manga series?! I love that one!!!!" She said as a large smile appeared on her face.

"What about My Hero Academia?" Byakuya says, walking over to the two. "Ah, hello Togami. We were just about to discuss a book series we have finished reading. It is titled 'My Hero Academia'." Celestia replies.

"I've finished that as well. Would you mind if I discuss too?" He asks. "Yes!! Join us!" Aoi said. "Before we begin, I would like to say this. I am not trying to be friends with either of you. This is only because I enjoyed the series." Byakuya says. "Aww, c'mon! Can't you just be a tiny bit nicer?" Asahina says with a puppy face.

"Hina, puppy faces don't work on him. I know from personal experience." Celeste whispers. "No. You are all peasents and deserve to be treated as such!" He replies. "Whaaaatever. Let's just talk about the book now, I've been waiting forever!!" Says Aoi. As they were speaking, Hifumi came back with the tea and donuts.

Celeste and Byakuya were having a large detailed conversation about how they can relate to the series. "Hey, guys! I don't really feel like having a conversation like this. I'm gonna go workout with Sakura, byeee!" Aoi said. She got up and went to exercise as she said she would.

The two remaining at the table continued their conversation. What they didn't know was that Aoi was right outside the cafeteria. She was hiding and looking at the two. 'SHIPPP!!' was all she could think of. She was smiling so much and she literally couldn't help it. She accidentally let out a little sqeak.

(you know when you like accidentally make that little high-pitched noise when you're smiling literally SO HARD well imagine that basically.)

Celeste turned her head slightly so she could see who was there. Asahina had already fled. "What?" Byakuya said. "Oh, nothing. I just thought I heard something." Celestia says in reply. Togami rolls his eyes and ignores it.

They kept talking about the series. "You know, I'm surprised Fukawa isn't stalking us right now." Celestia says. "She's locked herself in her room. She doesn't want Genocider to take control." Byakuya replies. "Oh, I see.." Celestia says with only a slight hint of concern in her face. She was never really the type to be concerned about Toko. This time it was a bit different.

As Celeste and Togami were going on and on about MHA, Aoi was gathering the remains of the class to come watch. Only a few people turned down the 'opportunity'. Those people were Toko, for obvious reasons, Naegi and Kirgiri for investigating purposes, and Hifumi was on cleaning duty. Taka also said no since he was watching the halls.

Everyone else agreed. They all silently walked down to the cafeteria. "Wait. I have a plan! Let's all yell 'SHIP!' when we get there!!" Aoi says. They all arrive at the cafeteria. Aoi begins whispering, "Three... Two... One!!" "SHIPP!!" They all yell. Sakura yelled a lot quieter, she didn't want to embarrass them.

"What.." Togami says. "Do you mind, we are trying to have a conversation..." Celeste says. "Aw man, neither of them know what a ship is??" Aoi says. "We both do. Now please, let us be." She says.

They both continued, but they were both actually sorta happy after that happened?? Annoyed, but also happy.

(A/N) so uh hope you enjoyed! also the ending really sucked so if you want you can think up a different ending. this surprisingly didn't take too long! it took a lot less time than most of my other oneshots do so yayy. also it's maki's birthday tomorrow so I might post some maki headcanons or a kaimaki oneshot? or maybe both I have no idea but I stan maki so I'll probably do one of the two. alsoo sorry this one's sorta cheesy ig?

Word count: 892 (pretty close to 1000! my goal for a oneshot)

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