chapter three

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third pov
THE LAST DAYS of middle school passed too quickly, it felt like a blur to Rin - not that she was complaining. She remembers winning against Aldera's track team, but they lost against Somei. She didn't really care about the loss, she only joined track to run. Then there were the end of the semester exams, which Rin completely skimmed through and aced. And eventually came the middle school graduation.

She scoffed at all her peers who were emotional and teary eyed about separating with their friends. Luckily she had no friends and didn't have to experience that kind of torture. Sure, she can fake emotions when she needs to, but hugging people and promising to stay in touch - eugh, that's a whole different level. The motions were quick; go to the assembly, listen to the principal's speech about futures and whatnot, receive their middle school completion diploma, and end.

The ceremony wasn't special or memorable, it was just the standard thing to do. Did she care that her parents came to celebrate with her? Not really. To everyone else they would look like a normal family, parents who were happy for their daughter. However, Rin saw right through their smiles and affections. They were stilted, mechanical, all fake. The only one who was genuine was her younger and naive little brother - but she didn't really care for him so, it didn't really matter.

She knew they despised her. They were scared of their own daughter, and Rin found that hilarious.

Eventually, the last days of winter melted into the early blossoms of spring. Meaning, that her first day of high school finally arrived. With the day circled on her calendar, the raven haired girl was prepared and ready.

The Fukami girl woke to the usual and routine sounds of honking cars. Living in Hosu meant that she lived with the chaotic rush of the city. Huffing at the blaring alarm of a car down the street, Rin tears the blankets off her body before standing up and stretching. Looking at her clock, she saw that it was barely six-fifteen, and knowing from the UA guidelines she got with her results, homeroom starts at eight-ten. She'll have to travel by bullet train if she wants to make it on time.

Looking around, Rin scrambles to grab her essentials before heading to the bathroom to shower. With swift movements she undresses and jumps into the cold water. The girl didn't mind the cold temperature, plus it helped waking up faster. Scrubbing her scalp and body in lavender scented products, she rinses herself and gets out. Drying her body quickly, she then uses the towel to roll and twist her hair in it before setting it on her head.

The teen dresses herself in less than five minutes before she unrolls the towel, letting her semi-dried hair to fall down her back. Quickly brushing it, no matter how harsh she untangles the knots, Rin is finally ready. Quickly looping a hair-tie on her wrist, she walks out of the bathroom and into her room. Kicking on the pinching dress shoes, she grabs her backpack, her phone, earbuds, and her uniform blazer.

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