chapter four

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     RIN FUKAMI SAT in class the next day, watching with boredom as the teachers revolved with the subjects. So far it was her homeroom teacher - Aizawa, and since it was a Tuesday, English with Present Mic was the first lesson. English wasn't very hard for her since she decided to take Beginner's English back in middle school, so she has that advantage. So with that, she and the other ravenette - Yaoyorozu, answered all the questions that the eccentric blond hero asked. 

Though, as their foreign language lesson ended at nine-thirty, Math 1 with Ectoplasm followed shortly after ten minutes. The noir haired girl had a certain distaste for the subject, but she still aced it. It was a practical subject made up of logic and numbers, much like herself, but it certainly wasn't her most favored. She let Yaoyorozu and Iida answer the question, others would try to solve the complex equations but they missed the sum by a few calculations. She could tell others got their answers right by how they nodded their heads in satisfaction, but they never raised their hands - their personalities not being for the attention. 

Luckily, Rin only had to endure the lesson for fifty minutes before it ended. Though, after the ten minute break in between, the lesson for Computer Tech with Power Loader started. Since she wasn't the type for electronics - just the basic knowledge - she was actually taking the time to learn the subject. At least she can expand her knowledge, even if it is learning how to operate systems and networking, along with other similar things. Sure, she may not be one for electronics, but it's still a useful skill to learn and have. 

Next, as eleven-thirty came around the teacher left and they were give the next fifty minutes to study - do their classwork from the previous lessons and to start on the homework assignments given to them. Of course, Aizawa returned to the class but he quickly told them to do their work and then proceeded to catch up on his sleep. Rin ignored his yellow sleeping bag cladded body and started on her math assignments. 

Best to do the hardest subject first. 

The ravenette could hear her classmates murmuring with each other in hushed conversations. She sat on the left of Iida and the right of Tokoyami, between them, and behind Kirishima. Luckily the boys around her didn't talk to her. By means, what would she say? Nice weather? She could tolerate people, but conversing and actually socializing - no chance in hell. She'll have better chances surviving being burned alive. And that's saying something since she despises the heat. Winter is her favorite season after all, it's cold just like her.

Eventually, lunch came around and Rin was the last one to leave - well except for Aoyama who stayed and ate his own lunch in the classroom. She takes note, she would rather bring her own lunch than eat in a crowded cafeteria.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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