chapter one

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    RIN FUKAMI KNEW she was much different from other people when she was younger. The kids her age were always so happy, so lively. She wasn't. She started noticing how she didn't feel the same way they did. She didn't know happiness, sadness, empathy, or anything like that. She was numb.

The kids could tell she was different as well. They always asked why she didn't smile. Why she never laughed at their jokes, if she found them funny? They asked why she always had a frown on her face.

However, as they grew older, things changed.

Their questions became alienation. They avoided her. They basically created a path whenever she walked by. They silenced themselves, only speaking in hushed voices, echoed with strange looks. She was an outcast for not feeling what they felt. For not being like one of them.

For years, she thought there was something wrong with herself. She blamed herself. She yelled at her parents, asking them why she was so different. They didn't know the answer. Instead they took her to many therapists, thinking that it could be fixed. One after the other, they all said the same thing.

She's a high functioning sociopath with psychopathic tendencies.

Once she was labeled, her parents viewed her differently. They gave her looks similar to the ones she grew familiar with. The ones her peers always gave her. Fear. They were afraid of her. They viewed her as an unsympathetic monster. They flinched whenever she neared them, and if Rin had the ability to feel love, her heart would have broken at the sight.

Instead, she didn't give a flying rat's ass about it.

With a mere blink, she always shrugged them away. Though, the despised feeling for blaming herself, that soon changed and became a loathing feeling towards everything else. She despised everyone around her. If they wanted a monster, she would give them one.

She educated herself with the human mind, their psychology, their body. She taught herself every weakness to the human body and pysche. Rin would attack them mercifully from the outside or the inside. She would play mind games, deceive them, fool and lie to them and everyone. The thought of hurting someone gave her a shock of pleasure, she loved it.

So, as she stands in the entrance of UA, she looks blankly at the building. It's the number of students - or examinees - that bother her. There's too many of them. Though, she does understand the quantity seeing as today is the entrance exam. A test to see whether or not they have what it takes to be in UA. Or most importantly the hero course. Though, out of all the examinees, only thirty six can gain the said spots while four get in through recommendations. The rest either go to general studies, the support course, the business course, or not at all.

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