chapter two

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   RIN FUKAMI KNEW that she would receive her entrance exam results in seven days. So, she didn't bother to wait around the mailbox like a lunatic. No, she continued with her everyday schedule of going to middle school, attending her practice for the track team, going home and doing her homework, eating dinner in her room, free time with her hobbies - drawing, reading, etc - showering, then sleeping. And repeat.

Classes were mundane. It was her own fault, she did exceed the intellectual level from the rest of her classmate Neanderthals. It also didn't help when the other classmates who applied to UA boasted about their experience at the entrance exam. She rolled her eyes at their exaggerated, over the top, story telling. She knew that their words were probably - most likely, far from the truth.

Though, as the raven haired teen sits in her Beginner's English class, she quietly works on her vocabulary packet. With the definitions of the words written out already, she works on the drawing sample. Rin liked to draw out the example first, then write the word out in a sentence. She excelled in English, well for beginners. It made her efforts in class easier when she listened to english music on her free time. By means, listening to music or watching television made learning a language more smoothly.

"I tell you, Yamazaki, the entrance exam at UA was so easy for me! I blew through the practical like a pro! All the other kids had no chance with my quirk," a voice reaches her ears.

Minutely turning her head, Rin finds the class' hotshot blabbing his mouth. Hasemi - tanned skin, dark red slicked back hair, egyptian blue eyes, molten gold freckles, and always wearing a confident smirk. To the rest of the female body, he would be considered handsome, but Rin found him annoying. Even more so when they shared first names.

Rin Fukami found Rin Hasemi to be a thorn on her side.

He made it a mission to annoy her. By either irking her, by trying to make her smile with bad jokes, by asking her to share her answers, he did everything - everything - to push her buttons. Sometimes she had moments where she wanted to take her pencil amd jab it into his eyes, that's how much he annoyed her.

It was running dare for the whole class to see who could make her laugh, or at least make her smile. So far, no one has been successful, and no one will.

It's simple, they don't have the same humor as she does. Hers runs more darker.

"Isn't that right, Fukami?! I bet you were just as cool! Cutting at the competition! Slicing through the exams!" Hasemi exclaims, laughing at his own jokes.

Rin simply glances at him before looking away, showing no expression of humor. She blinks and continues working on her assignment, unbothered.

"Aw, come on, Fukami! That joke was cutting edge! The humor I'm giving is on point, very sharp!" He continues with his brash jokes.

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