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"I don't think this is a good idea"

"Come on Nas it's the right thing to do"

Lana, Missy and Nas had just arrived outside her Dad's house. She'd found out that her Dad had been living a double life and was never really in pakistan. The girls hearts ached for Nas, nothing good ever seemed to come of anything for her.

"Look" Missy pointed as she noticed the family of four all sat round the table eating dinner through the window.

Suddenly, all four heads turned towards them.

"I don't think i can do this," Nas deadpanned, about to turn away.

"Nas they've seen you now anyway, at least stay and maybe get some closure?" Lana shrugged sympathetically, pulling Nas into a hug.

Nas' dad came through the door very hastily, like one wrong move and the ground would swallow him up. Yet the girls were almost glad he felt like that, he'd caused a lot of hurt for the Piracha's.

"Do you want to come in, love?"

"No, no i don't i think i've seen all i need to now" Nas did her best to hold back the tears, but that didn't stop the odd one or two to slip down her cheek, "how long?"

He said nothing.

"How long, Dad?"

"Since before you were born, love" His wife stepped in.

His wife had a niceness about her, something you couldn't really pinpoint, but it was good.

"Oh my God" Nas cried as she ran off, the two girls chasing after her.

The three girls were almost back at Nas' house before Nas spoke up,

"I don't know how i'm gonna tell her about this"

"So your gonna tell your Mum?" Missy asked.

"It's gonna break her heart," Nas whispered before standing in the way of the two girls, "but i need to do it alone, i'll call you ayt?"


"Hello" Lana sang as she opened the door to the Wilson household. However her mood instantly dropped as she saw a very annoyed looking Jordan and a very awkward Cory sat on the sofa.

"Jordan? Cory? What's up?" the girl questioned, however neither of them responded. Her patience wearing thin, she felt the need to take the most direct approach, throwing herself right in the middle of the two-person sofa inbetween the boys.

"Either your gonna tell me or i will force it out of you" Lana smiled, causing Jordan to look her way, knowing she would keep her promise.

"Is it about the robbery?"

Jordan nodded.

"What was the money for, Jordan?"

"Take a wild guess, Lana" Cory snapped, joining in.

"Erm excuse me? what's got you so worked up?" Lana snapped back.

Neither of them were in the right headspace for this right now.

"It's pathetic! he's being a selfish little bitch and your feeling all sorry for him" Cory roared, getting up and pulling Jordan's collar with him.

Lana followed them, "Cory how can you say that he's just a kid!"

"No, he's costing our family money that we don't have."

"Cory what the fuck are you doing get off him!" Lana ordered, grabbing hold of Cory's arm attempting to yank him off Jordan. However, Cory just retaliated, pushing Lana away and practically throwing her to the floor.

The house immediately went silent. Guilt immediately took over Cory's face, realising what he'd done.

"Lana i-"

"Fuck off Cory"

"I'm sorry"

"I said fuck off"

With that, Cory was out the door and they didn't see him for the rest of the night.



The night sky was dark, the bright moon reflecting onto Cory's window, casting a shadow on the walls.

Lana had been laying on her mattress for hours, doing absolutely fuck all, when a loud knock sounded on her door.

"Come in" she beckoned, her voice hasty.

"It's just me" Jordan smiled, coming into Cory's room.

"Hey, you alright?" Lana forced a smile

"Yeah are you?" Jordan asked, pure sympathy in his eyes.

"I'm fine, Jordan, do you want to talk about what's been going on?" she asked, as they both sat on Cory's bed.

"To be honest Lana, i'm really scared, he's gonna fuck me up if i don't get this money to him."

"I know, but i swear to you i will find who did it, and i will get back every single penny from them."

"Thank you, Lana" he smiled, before much to the girls surprise, he pulled her into a hug.

"I've always got you Jordan, i promise"

"It was the night of Mr Quereshi's wedding, it was two girls and they were dressed in burkas."

"Thank you for telling me."

𝑰𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, 𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆😈Where stories live. Discover now