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"Many of you knew Mr Quereshi well, and for those of you who didn't, you would've heard your fellow students and friends talking about him, and they will tell you that if you ever had a problem, Mr Quereshi was there to help."

Everyone was in shock. Mr Quereshi had been stabbed and left for dead in Ackley last night. Quiet sniffs sounded around the hall as Mrs Carter spoke, trying to hold her tears back too.

"No matter where he was meant to be, he would always take the time to sit down and to listen to them, we have lost a much loved member of our school community, and i promise you we will never forget him or what he gave to us.

Lana was now crying silently, noticing her she was upset, Riz wrapped his arm around her, holding her tightly into him.

Mr Quereshi's death put a lot of things into perspective for the students. Lana herself realising she should never take anything for granted, and how she wanted to hold what was closest to her, close forever.

"I don't know why your bothering with all this nonsense, you don't know what to do with 'it' when you've got it" Missy laughed as her, Lana and Nas sat down at a table in the canteen.

"Yeah but I do want 'it'"

"You had 'it' on a silver plate the other week Nasreen and you blew it" Lana muttered.

She still wasn't 100% okay with Nasreen. She didn't like that she believed she could do whatever she want and get away with it or just cry about it when someone gets annoyed at her.

"Well, i felt rushed Lana"


The girls were interrupted by Nas' phone going off for the hundredth time today, Missy glancing at it,

"Why have you said your nineteen on your profile?" she laughed, showing Lana.

"Because you have to be eighteen to use the app" Nas winked.

"Naughty naughty Nas"

"Well it's the only way i can find anyone" Nas shrugged, snatching the phone off Missy.

Suddenly, Riz appeared from behind Lana, placing his arms on her shoulders, bending his neck round to kiss her.

"Alright ladies what we talking about?" he smirked flirtly.

He knew it pissed Lana right off when he flirted with other girls, he loved doing it.

"You gonna have to keep that one on a leash babe" Missy nodded to Lana, causing her to roll her eyes.

"You can go away" she smiled sarcastically, pushing him off her.

"Oh so you don't want to walk to biology with me?" he pouted.

"Fine go on then."


"Right you lot, today we will be learning about hearts" Mr Hyatt announced over everyone.

"So, me personally i have been accused of not having one but i assure you if you placed your hand just here, Riz?" My Hyatt smiled, gesturing for Riz to do so as his head hit the table, making the whole room laugh.

He tried to play it off, but he was embarrassed and to Lana it was the cutest thing ever.

A light laugh left his mouth as he sat back up, placing his hand on Sir's chest.

"Now please note i am not coercing Riz in any way, just simply offering up my chest to demonstrate the circulation of blood through the heart, can you feel that beat Riz?"

"Yeah, yeah i can" Riz laughed lowly, hiding his face.

"Can you feel Lana's beat when you do the same to her eh Riz?" Josh shouted from the other side of the room, laughter erupting again.

"Fuck sake" Lana giggled, placing her hands over her face.

"Ah two little lovebirds here is there?" Sir laughed, patting both their shoulders.

"Definitely not Sir" Lana laughed, Riz chuckled lightly, however she didn't miss the hint of sadness wash over his face.

As the lesson carried on, he leant across to Lana and whispered to her,

"We'll see about that won't we"

"Will we now?" Lana laughed, spinning to face him, attempting not hide the excitement she felt surge through her body at even the slightest threat like that off Riz.

"Well yeah of course, when you see me at the rugby match tonight, a scouts coming to look at us, we'll mostly Cory but i guess we've all got a shot eh?"

"Hm i'll have to check my schedule" Lana spoke simply, looking forward.

"Oh, i was just thinking of having a good luck charm there but if you-"

"Yes fine i'll come."


The whole of the team were out except for Riz. Lana was stood alone, parents, students and teachers all around her awaiting the match. Deciding it would be best, she headed towards the boys changing rooms to find him.

Luckily, when she arrived, Riz was sat alone on one of the benches inside the changing room.

"Hey" she smiled sheepishly, feeling a weird sense of nervousness.

"Hey, come here" he smiled, bringing her between his legs.

"We don't have to do this every time we're alone, Riz" the girl laughed at the helpless boy.

"Well it's not me, your the one stood here"

"I hate you"

"I just wanted some good luck, that's all" he smirked, grabbing hold of both of her hands.

"Hmm i'll see what i can do" Lana laughed.

Both teens stood there staring at eachother, completely immersed in the love they shared.

She stared at his lips, how soft they looked and how much she just wanted to kiss them. Feeling the same, Riz leaned in, their lips meeting. Her eyes fluttered shut, knowing there was no better feeling than his lips on hers. He dipped his head slightly, deepening the kiss, Lana placed her hand on the back of his neck, gripping the short hair that lay there.

Suddenly a loud cough came from the door,

"Erm Riz we need you son."

𝑰𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, 𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆😈Where stories live. Discover now