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"It's. fucking. freezing"

Mr Hussein and and Mr Evershed had forced all of Year 12 on a hike in some random woods in the middle of winter to stop them fighting. Yeah it's literally what they did, as weird as it sounds.

Lana slept surprisingly well the previous night since Riz came over, he stayed there the entire time and the two went to school together the next day. Riz had tried to persuade Lana to take a day off but she turned it down, she needed something to take her mind off everything. However when they got dumped in the middle of a snowy forest, she began to regret not staying in bed.

"Okay so before we start," Mr Hussein began, "i've got a story to tell ya"

The majority of the year huffed, despite the girls who were extremely obsessed with Mr Hussein, who just followed him and obeyed him like puppies.

"When i were your age, i used to fight with my dad all the time right, proper madness like twenty four seven, and one day my mum just snapped, she shoved us in the car and drove us halfway to Bradford and chucked us out."

"Sorry Sir but will this take long because i can't actually feel my feet" Lana called from the back where she stood with Riz and Cory who just laughed at the girl.

"Yeah i agree, if you think we are gonna become friends on your stupid walk you can forget it" Chloe joined in.

"Look," Mr Evershed interrupted, "you've had a tough week, we've all had a tough week i know that i get it, but for me i think a good school is like a good family, if a good family loses a loved one they don't argue and fight about it, they come together"

So we have got seven miles to get back to school," shouts began erupting from the year twelves about how they couldn't walk seven miles, Sir just ignoring it, "look it isn't that far."

The group continued walking, everyone splitting into groups to talk.

"Marry, kiss, kill" Candice announced, catching a lot of people's attention who wanted to join in.

"I'll go first" Zain spoke, "i'd marry Alya, kill Sam and kiss..." he looked throughout the group, before his eyes landed on Lana, "Lana."

An eruption of 'oohs' sounded throughout the group, everyone's eyes going to Lana and Riz.

"Unfortunately mate, she's reserved" Riz nodded, pulling Lana in front of him and wrapping his big coat around her.

"Shame, shame," he muttered, shaking his head mockingly, "who's next?"

"Aw not Riz getting all jealous" Lana teased, poking his cheek.

"Yeah mate you look like your gonna explode" Cory laughed.

"Yeah yeah," Candice yelled out of the blue, "at least Zain is honest."

"What are you talking about, Candice?" Lana sighed.

"Practice on the white girl, marry the Asian princess, they think they can do whatever they want to a white lass, oh they can even run us over and no one does nowt-"

"Candice do you want to shut up right now?" Lana yelled from the back as she pushed her way towards Candice, Riz following her.

"Fuck sake" he whispered.

"I'm not lying am i?" Candice laughed, getting in Lana's face.

"Your being fucking ridiculous, how dare you just play about with someone's death like that."

Luckily, Mr Hussein stepped in before anything happened,

"This is exactly what i'm talking about! Candice to the front, Lana go back to the back" Sir boomed as Lana got back into her place in Riz's coat.

"Just shut up, everyone just shut up" Sam screamed, "our mate died, and this is how we deal with it? yelling at eachother? you should be ashamed of yourselves" Sam herself seemed really, really hurt, her voice cracking mid sentence.

To say her little speech didn't make an impact on anyone would be a lie. The group was silent for the rest of the walk, each teens mind on Missy death, and how quickly everything you have can be pulled from beneath you.

Lana had soon broke down after that, she stood at Riz's side in his coat as he pulled her long, checking she was alright every now and then, holding her shoulder tightly.

"It's time to go"

"Come on then" Kaneez whispered, pushing Lana and Nas' shoulders lightly.

As they made it out the drive, all their friends from school, Mrs Carter, Miss Keane, Mr Evershed and Missy's family were all stood outside in a group.

Lana and Nas stood in front, but turned to the side to notice Haley hadn't come off the drive.

"Hailes come on" Lana whispered, giving her a sympathetic smile, tears falling down her cheeks like she couldn't stop them, her and Nas walked towards her gently grabbing her arm, ushering her out.

The car with Missy's body in drove slowly in front of them, her signature jacket on show in the back mirror, if people weren't already crying before they had noticed it, they sure were now.

Lana and Haley linked arms tightly at the front of the procession. Nas and Mrs Piracha behind them.

The after party wasn't much of a party. For Lana it was just more her, Nas and Haley stood in the corner of the room crying. Riz had left after the procession so she stayed with the girls, all trying to consolidate eachother the best they could, but all girls were hurting just as much as eachother, and trying to help someone when you feel just as sad is hard.

Lana decided to leave the room, she didn't even feel right standing with everyone, next to the lights and the fancy food on the table. She wanted to be alone, how she thought she deserved to feel.

She placed herself near the top of the stairs, her knees pulled into her chest, head in her lap.

It wasn't long before Haley, Razia and Nas found her.

"Lana, come on" Razia ordered.

"What?" Lana muttered, lifting her head up and crossing her arms.

"Come on, come with us"

"Trust me"

Lana just huffed before grabbing her coat and hesitantly following the girls out of the door.

It took Lana a while to realise the girls had lead her all the way to school.

"Do you wanna tell me what's going on or what?" Lana asked as she climbed over the school gate.

"Just trust us"

The four made their way round to the yard, where the entirety of year 12 stood, three around a lantern.

Lana couldn't even hold herself back, she began crying for what felt like the hundredth time, understandably. The four split off, Lana heading straight for Riz, who engulfed her in a massive hug.

After three, everyone let their lanterns into the sky. It was an amazing thing to see everyone there, all paying their tributes to Missy. It made Lana feel so grateful and lucky that Missy had an environment surrounded with people like that. Wether they showed it often or not, they were all amazing, and they all cared.

"We love you Missy" Shannon began, wiping her tears.

An chorus of 'we love you Missy' sounded throughout them, lanterns floating further and further away as everyone waved towards the sky.

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