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Lana and Riz were stood by the stairs on the schoolyard, calling Cory in hopes to talk to him.

"Is he picking up?"

"No, he's probably in detention, anyway i need to go and hand in some late science assignment to Miss Oakes that Mr Hyatt told her about, i'll see you in a bit yeah?"

"Alright, try not to kill her in the process?" Riz chuckled, pulling Lana in for one last hug before she headed off"

"Bye bye" she called as she headed to Miss Oakes office.

As she knocked on the door, the receptionist answered.

"Oh, hi i'm looking for Miss Oakes"

"Ah yes, she's probably in s1"

"Okay, thank you"

Already making things difficult, Lana thought as she shook her head, walking towards s1.

She took in a long breath before she entered the room, purely to calm her of her anger, just the thought of the woman got her pissed of.

However what she saw when she opened the door caused a brand new level of anger.

Cory and Miss Oakes making out.

"Cory" Lana gasped, almost inaudible. It felt like all the oxygen had been knocked out of her body.

"Shit" Cory yelled, him and Miss Oakes faces dropping.

Lana decided not to hang around, she let go of her
tight grip on the door and fled down the corridor.


"Your awfully quiet today" Dan laughed, punching Lana's arm lightly as Riz, Lana and his mates all stood in the science corridor against the lockers.

Lana just hummed, staring off into space, thinking about what she saw the hour earlier.

"Seriously, are you alright?" Riz whispered into her neck in a concerned tone.

Lana wanted nothing more than to talk to him, tell him about it so she could get advice on what to do, but she couldn't, as angry as she was, she couldn't betray Cory like that.

"Honestly, i'm fine" Lana muttered, putting on the best fake smile she could.

Riz knew there was something wrong. He knew Lana, but he knew better than to push her for an answer.

"Alright guys?" Cory interrupted the group, coming up towards them, his face intently dropping with fear when he saw Lana.

She was angry, to say the least. She felt like the situation she was in was unfair, she wanted to talk to someone about what she'd seen, of course it was extremely illegal and was putting someone she cared about in a lot of danger, however she couldn't do Cory like that, however pissed off she was.

"Ayt mate, oi were just trying to figure out why Lana here is being grumpy" Josh teased.

Cory looked down at her, his face full of mixed emotions. He didn't want her to say anything, however he didn't know what he could say that wouldn't encourage her to do so.

"She's probably fine, ladies days and all that"

Yeah that was the wrong thing to say.

"I'll actually have everyone know i am not on my ladies days as Cory likes to call it, in fact Cory, why don't you explain why i'm so angry?"

The group fell silent, Cory's cheeks flushing wildly, staring daggers into Lana.

Fuck not betraying Cory.

"Okay Cory, i'll tell everyone myself, Cory and Miss Oakes"

Everyone exchanged puzzled looks, glancing between Lana and Cory.

"Are you all stupid? she's lying" Cory grunted, before storming away.

"Lana?" Riz spoke gently to her, "is that true?"

"I'm sorry" Lana choked as she stood up, pulling out of Riz's grasp and running the opposite way, tears flooding her eyes.

"Hold on, your telling me you lot completely played Candice into getting with Dan, just for a hunta munta competition and he could brag he got some actual action?" Lana scoffed, sitting up to face Riz on her bed, disgusted at what the boys had actually done.

"Lana it wasn't even me who did anything, plus i thought you hated Candice."

"Of course you did you fucking convinced the poor girl to get with him in the first place! besides that's not the point, you still did that to an innocent girl Riz!" Lana was now yelling at the top of her lungs, she had completely pulled off him and was stood beside the bed.

"Well he's got a broken arm to deal with now so i'm sure that's enough punishment eh?" Riz frowned towards the girl.

"Well how am i supposed to feel now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Am i apart of this competition?" Lana muttered, shuffling her feet.

"Lana what? don't be stupid"

"I can't even believe you Riz! how can you be so disrespectful?"

"Look Lana i am sorry"

"Just fuck off, Riz"


"Get out"

It was official, Lana was off the rails.

𝑰𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, 𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆😈Where stories live. Discover now