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"You better have a fucking good explanation for this, wait in fact no, there is no explanation for this!" Lana roared, almost breaking down Cory's bedroom door. It was 11:30 at night, and Lana had only just arrived back from the hospital.

"Lana, it weren't my fault" Cory huffed, not looking up from his phone as he lay on his bed.

"How can you say it wasn't your fault, Cory? You couldn't help your jealous little ass for one day eh? Ugh you can't stand when someone else looks better than you for once, you need to get a grip of yourself!" she yelled in his face, taking his phone and chucking it to the floor.

"What the fuck? the scout wasn't even there for him he was there for me!" Cory yelled in her face, before pushing past her and slamming the door behind him.

"No, your just selfish!" Lana shouted, opening the door and following him.

"Lana just fuck off!" Cory yelled in her face, before leaving out the front door.

It was official, all her shit was falling apart.

The whole school was stood outside, ready to plant Mr Quereshi's tree. Lana had stayed over at Missy's last night, invade Cory came home. She wanted to stay as far away from him as she could, however that was difficult as they were in the same year at school.

"Do you think i should speak to Nas?"

"I'd say so, Missy" Lana smiled, her face paler than usual, dried tears painted across her face.

"Cheer up cherrub" Missy smiled lightly, pulling Lana under her arm as they walked towards Nas.


"Oh Missy please stay away from me"

"All i was trying to do was stop your mom from doing something stupid, that's all i swear!"

"Okay i just really want to pretend none of it every happened, ayt?" Nas rushed.

Missy nodded, "does that mean we can talk about me now?"

"Why what's happened?"

"It's Aaron"

Oh god.

"What's he done?"

"He said he loved me didn't he" Missy huffed.

"Oh my god, Missy that's amazing!" Nas screeched a bit to loud for the circumstances they were currently in.

"Yeah Missy i told you, it really is a good thing" Lana smiled.

"No, no it's not, we were getting on great and then he goes and ruins it!"

"What do you mean? surely that makes it even better?" Nas scoffed.

"No no you don't understand, he can't love me! i hold too much baggage"

"But Missy he loves you for you! that's such a good thing" Lana encouraged her.

However Missy stayed silent.

"I'm really sorry everyone, we're going to have to postpone the tree planting" Mrs Carter called over anyone.

"Thank god, i'm freezing my tits off" Lana huffed.

"What tits?"

"Shut up Missy, i'm gonna go see Riz, i'll see you in a bit"

Lana was stood outside Riz's house, well Riz's mansion. He had text her to wait there whilst his family left, and here she was crouched behind a plant pot.

In the distance she could see his parents and Alya get in the car and pull out of the drive, she pulled herself up, and stood directly opposite the lounge window.

Low and behold, Riz came hobbling along to the window. A wide grin plastered across Lana's face.

"Let yourself in," Riz mouthed, "the doors open"

Lana rushed inside, making her way to the lounge promptly.

"Oh my god" Lana laughed, praying with everything in her Riz would laugh back, luckily he did.

"Hey you" he smiled cheekily from the sofa, putting his arms around to hug her, resulting in Lana just hugging him as he couldn't really move.

"How've you been?" She smiled, wrapping her arm around his side as she sat down.

"I'm just tired really, how about you?" he muttered.

"It's been okay, i'm just pissed at Cory, has a proper row last night"

"Yeah i understand, i've forgiven him, i don't think he meant to do it" Riz nodded.

"Yeah" Lana hummed, admiring how forgiving her boyfriend was.

Lana's heart broke at the state he was in, she felt awful for him, even more mad at Cory for causing all of this.

"I wish i could help you" Lana sighed, stroking his hair.

"I mean there is one way you could help me" Riz smirked, winking at Lana.

"Mhm alright, anything to help" she smiled seductively.

"Sorry i'm late, sir" Lana smiled as she pushed through the door, a lot happier than she was earlier.

"You alright Lana? you seem out of breath" Josh laughed, the other boys chuckling.

"Erm i ran here?" Lana spoke expectedly.

She took her seat beside Missy, looking around the room. The entire room was staring at her.

"What?" she questioned, eyebrows furrowed.

"Is it true you got off with Riz?" Max shouted from the other side of the room, biting back a laugh.

Lana looked down, a bright blush engulfing her cheeks.

"Is it true?" Missy whispered, not judgemental whatsoever, just curious.

"Yeah kinda" Lana whispered back.

"Oh, Lana" Missy smiled, shoving her shoulder, "you go girl"

"Right let's start of with the basics shall we?" sir began, "Taheera, how are the two strands of DNA held together?"

"I don't know, it just looks like a funny shape" Taheera spoke.

"Yeah that's what Lana said to Riz"

More laughter erupted throughout the room.

"I'm gonna kill him" Missy yelled.

"Sit down, sit down," sir ordered, pointing at Missy, "another word out of you lads and it's straight to isolation"

"Well it's not us, it's Riz sending the messages" Josh spoke back.

Lana's heart dropped. Would Riz really do that? Well how else would they know?

Missy looked to Lana sympathetically, "would Riz really do that?"

"I don't know"

"Your staying at mine tonight, and we'll get to the bottom of this ayt?"

"Yeah" Lana huffed.

𝑰𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, 𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆😈Where stories live. Discover now