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Jordan hadn't left Lana's side all morning. He felt safe and comfortable when he was with Lana, he enjoyed her company more than anyone else right now.

When they arrived to school, Lana, Riz and Jordan were all sat on a bench on the yard.

Well let me refrain, Jordan was sat on top of the table and Lana was sat on Riz's lap who was sat on the actual bench.

"Lana, Lana," Jordan began to panic, frantically hitting her shoulder and pointing to the roof, "That's them girls and that's my money!"

Lana turned to see two girls in burkas, throwing heaps and heaps of cash off the roof, landing at a massive crowd beneath them.

As Jordan ran off to get the money, Lana ran off to the two girls.

She ran off towards the stairwell to get to the roof, and as soon as she made it there, she saw the two girls pulling off the burkas. Her heart stopped.

"Oh shit" Nas stopped, eyes wide.

Lana stood there for a while dumbfounded.

"Lana, we're sorry we didn't mean-"

Lana's fist instantly connected with Nasreen's cheeks, causing her to double over.

"Don't get it mistaken when i tell you i never ever want to see either of you two again in my fucking life" Lana yelled in the girls faces, before turning away, instantly colliding with Riz who had ran after her.

"It's Missy and Nas, who stole Jordan's money."

"Fucking hell" Riz whispered, before bringing Lana into his coat, and walking her away before she didn't anything rash.

Mrs Carter and the receptionist were stood at the door, handing out wipes to every girl who came in wearing makeup.

"Right all of you take a wipe, including you Lana" Mrs Carter smirked.

"This is stupid" Lana rolled her eyes, looking down and pretending to rub her makeup off.

"Come on eh it's not like you need it" Riz smiled at her, his arm still around her shoulders.

"Exactly" Mrs Carter laughed, before Lana stormed away, throwing the wipe in the outside bin, Riz chasing her intently.

"Look, i know your angry, but you just need to try not to think about it for the time being" Riz smiled at her, causing her to smile back slightly.

Riz's happiness was contagious to Lana, she would do anything to see him happy.

However, Cory's shouting from beside the two pulled Lana from her thoughts.

"Oi Jordan, you think i'm gonna ruin my life for a two minute grope? your dumber than you look kid."

"What now" Lana whined, as her and Riz made their way to the two boys.

"It's alright he dosent need you anyway" Jordan muttered, pushing past Cory.

"Oh yeah cause your such a role model eh? getting banged up over Christmas, doing a dealers dirty work? if Lana ent gonna give it to everyone i will, 'ere we are Ackley Bridge, Jordan Wilson our very own drug dealer" Cory announced loudly, resulting in Jordan launching himself at him.

Cory started yelling about Kevin in the midst of the fight, how he was just like him and how he always loses it as quick as he does.

Thankfully, Mr Bell and Mr Simpson stepped in pretty quickly, taking the two boys away.


Lana, Riz, Cory, Naveed and Amin were stood in the corridor outside biology, Riz stood with both arms wrapped around Lana, as Haley and Razia walked by.

"Oh. my. god. look at Riz" Lana heard Razia whisper to Haley, who was to bothered about her eyebrows to really hear her.

"Did ya hear that?" Naveed laughed, punching Riz's arm, however he just laughed, looking down at Lana, who smiled back sarcastically, the one thing she hated about Riz being so fit, everyone else thought it too.

"Yeah i don't think Little Lana here has too much to worry about" Naveed laughed, poking her.

"Get off you spacker" she laughed, pushing his hands away.

"Looking good Alya, new hijab?" Cory flirted with her as she walked by.

"Hi Cory, learnt how to spell condom yet?" she sneered back, and for the first time in her life, she made Lana laugh.

Next Candice came by, "He give you the invite? to your sons christening?"

"Go on Cory, you've gotta put some effort into YOUR son" Lana sneered, still angry at him.

"Eh up i didn't know you were a dad" Naveed gasped.

"Neither does his kid" Jordan walked past laughing, Chloe pulling him along.

"Fuck sake" Lana laughed, burying her head in Riz's chest.

"Hey you, come on let's go to history"


Lana felt her family life had pretty much deteriorated at this point. She hasn't spoke to her mother in god knows how long, she rarely got a word out of Kevin and her and Cory weren't on the best of terms. She normally just sat in Cory's room every evening and when he wanted to come in she'd go out on a walk, however tonight Jordan, Cory and Kevin were all sat downstairs together. Weird.

Lana made her way hesitantly down the stairs, she hadn't eaten all evening and she knew the only way she could would be if she went downstairs and got something.

She had hoped she'd be able to get past the lounge without everyone noticing her, however as she had completely forgot the placement of the creaky floorboard, she was noticed pretty much instantly.

"Got some fish and chips here for you" Kevin told her as she walked hastily into the room.

"Thank you" Lana smiled quietly, taking the chips from him.

"You ayt Lana?" Jordan asked

"Y-yeah" she stuttered as she turned around swiftly, leaving the room.

"Oi Lana," Kevin called before she reached the stairs, "Come 'ere, guess what, i've got a trial at a new warehouse outside of town, proper sick pay, proper holidays, none of this zero hours crap anymore."

"Aw i'm so glad," Lana smiled, "i'm happy for you," and with that she left.

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