chapter I

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I wake up due to the lack of movement in the car.

M/n: " Ah good you are awake. We're here."

My mother meant that we had arrived at our new house in Okinawa in Japan. We had moved quite often since my mother was a fashion designer but she said that this was a permanent move. I was happy for two reasons 1) being that there is new places that I can visit 2)  because most of my subscribers are from Japan, I could do a face reveal in public ( although they have no clue that I have moved to Japan)

Since I noticed that my subscribers were mainly Japanese, I started learning the language and I was fairly good at it (I only struggled with kanji but I am fairly fluent now).

I stepped out of our car and took a look at the house. It looked amazing. It was a two story house and my mother had said it had at least 5 rooms and said they all had ensuite bathrooms. I was so grateful that u had an amazing mother

(you are very close to her and you help her with designing clothes since that is what you will be doing some day even though you are 20, your mother said that you didn't have to take over the business until you wanted to)

I may be rich but I deffinatly wasn't a snob (and that takes a lot considering I was from the uk) but hey not all brittish people are snobs or chavs.

It took about an hour to unpack all of my things and place them in my room.

I placed my favourite skateboard on the wall with the things to hang it up.
( My bestfriends father created my dream skateboard back in the uk) I miss my friend Firen (said like fi- len)
But he's in a better place now.

(Firen died whilst battling lung cancer)

That's partly why we moved aswell. I needed an escape I guess.

After I had unpacked I decided to take a shower and change into my pyjamas.

My mother calls me down to come and help make some food.

As I was eating some ramen noodles, my mother started talking about the job I got as a substitute teacher. It was a public school in Okinawa and I thought that was nice considering I'd get to teach normal teens, people who are not snobs, not some stuck up rich bitch who throws a tantrum when her favourite lipstick runs out. I may be apart of a rich family, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I have to act like it. "Always remember to be yourself." Those were my mother's words.

My mother handed me my new suit and I headed to bed after hugging my mother goodnight.

Time skip~♤

*beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep.......*

"Ughhhh shutupppppp." I sat up and turned my alarm off. I was ready to start my first day of school (Well being a teacher)

I got dressed into my f/c suit, I brushed my wavy, h/c hair and put some frizz-ease  in it so that it wouldn't look like I had fought a lion, had breakfast and brushed my teeth.

I went back to my room and grabbed my bag and I decided to bring my 'normal skateboard' since it would be a but weird to bring The ◇ACE'S♤ skateboard.

After I had done all if those, I headed out, skating my way to school. I had my phone to give me directions to the school. I saw a couple of students in the way there looking at me in confusion, so I did what anyone could have guessed and I decided to do a kick-flip.

Before I knew it, I was at the school gates. I got off in style ( like how killua got off of his skateboard in hxh if you know that) I headed into the principle' s office to get my timetable and I headed to the classroom I'd be helping out in.

I scanned every door looking for class 1-c  ( I just made a class up but yeh)

After about 5 minutes I found my class and entered. I walked in and saw a kid with blue hair introducing himself so I quickly apologised bye saying "Gomen'nasai" and bowed.

The blue-haired boy was Langa and his introduction was kinda awkward but he was from Canada which was interesting.

The teacher then also announced my presence so all eyes were on me.

I take a breath and say " konnichiwa, watashi wa l/n y/n desu ( I am l/n y/n).
I'm from the uk and I will be your supply or teacher assistant. I hope we can all get along."

I see people look at me and see that some of them I saw earlier. I smile and notice a red head looking at me, well my skateboard. I grin.

I was told to hand out some papers.

Time skip

School had ended and I decided to explore the city of Okinawa a bit and try and find good skating areas but also so I get familiar with the new environment.

I had done a little exploring and I turn a corner and I see the red-head and Langa talking and I see a skateboard next to them.

I decide to skate over to them.

" well hello. Fancy seeing you two here. I noticed one of you skates... maybe both of you."

They both turned around to look at me and I smiled.

"Oh hi sensei l/n-"

"Oh please call me y/n. I don't mind. And also only call me sensei in school okay? I'm only like 3 years older than you."

"I'm Reki, I noticed you have a skateboard. How good are you? Langa can't even stand on the board without falling-"

I giggle a little and they both turn a little red.

"Hey that thing wasn't made for people to stand on."

"Oh it is. The trick to it is to fully trust your board and than you'd be able to do things like this." I say as I do a lazer flip.

"Huh...... that was so cooolllll. You didn't even tremble but instead you did the flip like a swan gliding through water!" Reki beams

I blush a little. "T-thanks. Langa-san, if you are interested in the idea of skating then I'm sure me and Reki don't mind helping you."

"Yeeesss not only thatttt, buuuuttttt, you can also watch some YouTube videos of this guy known as The ◇ACE♤. He is so cooolll. The only problem is that he hasn't posted in over 3 weeks. Hey y/n have you heard of the ace, yanno since you are from the uk and all?"

Oh shit. He's one of my fans. I pretended to fan girl over myself. "Oh my yesss. He is so cool. He even invented a new trick but no-body has been able to master it.Not only that, he rides with his right foot on the front of the board like I do, look." I had stars in my eyes. Hopefully that was convincing.

"Hey y/n are you into skate-racing?"

"I used to race all the time back in the uk. How come?"

"Well there is this really cool place called §. It's an abandoned mine site but it is now a huge track for the skaters. It's a top secret site but You can come with me and Langa tonight if you want."

"I'd love to. Thank you Reki-kun see you later, okay. I'll meet you here at 9pm."

(??? Pov)

That woman is interesting aswell as the boy with blue hair. Hmmm I may aswell visit § tonight. I have a good feeling about these............


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