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I based this on a movie I saw in 2009 or so, I thought it could be a good idea for a fanfic :)

In the 5th of September of 2279 a baby boy was born, his name was Farrokh Bulsara. He was just a normal baby, a beautiful british boy with african ancestry. His eyes were brown as chocolat and his hair was dark as the night, the most perfect little boy.

That baby grew up, always shy but with an amazingly catchy personality. Everyone loved him. He had many friends and a loving family, even if his father was rough with him sometimes. Many would have wished to have his life and he was happy like this, sounds like a perfect life, right?

The answer is no.

Things started falling apart when he was 10 years old, he was in the 5th grade in a history class when he first started questioning this strange world he lived in.

-Everyone in their sits, class is about to start. - the teacher said with a nice and soft voice.

She was a very nice lady, always patient and polite towards all the students, Farrokh just thought it was a pity that she taught such a boring class like history. He was never paying attention to this class, it was like maths, he could try but in 2 minutes he would be sketching or writting some little poems on his notebook. Today was different, this class actually got his attention for more than 2 minutes.

-Today we are going to talk about the 3rd world war. Can anyone tell me when it occurred? - she asked to the class.

A curly haired boy lifted his hand. Farrokh knew him, he was Brian May. His father was Harold May, a famous astrophysicist. He was kind of the class nerd, really smart and with great marks all the time, he could be called the teacher's pet but he was very polite.

-From 2262 to 2269. - he answered, after beeing given the permition.

-Very well, Brian. - she praised - Can anyone tell me why it started?

Farrokh quickly lost interest in this part, he was sketching a little cat on his notebook until he heard something the teacher said, that finally got his attention.

-And since then being homossexual isn't allowed.

Farrokh lifted his head up and finally started listening.

-Mrs. Jones? - he called.

-Yes, Farrokh?

-Why is it wrong? Why isn't it allowed?

-Well, as you know after the war any kind of racism, fascism, chauvinism and xenophobia was declared totally ilegal, and any of those acts could be punished by law, but after all homossexuality, bissexuality or transsexuality was considered as being a disease. Just like during the 1300s. - she explained.

-But if that's how people thought in 1300 and later it was considered normal, why is it wrong now? - he insisted.

-After a long research some scientists believe that what causes any different sexuality from heterossexuality is a virus. It's impossible to know who carries it and who doesn't, until those people start having weird feelings.

-And... what could we do if we had those weird feelings?

-Well, there's pills for it. Didn't your science teacher ever talked about that? There's no cure, but there's a treatment for it.

-But if two people are in love shouldn't they be togheter? Even if they are the same gender?

-Farrokh, we really have to go on with class. You can ask those questions to your science teacher, ok?

Farrokh nodded slightly. He knew what this was: bullshit. Why is something that people believed in 1300 still happening? It was ridiculous. If people were happy then they should just be togheter, they weren't hurting anyone. The boring talk went on, and Farrokh went back to sketching.

After that class Brian came to him, along with a blonde kid.

-Hi - he said with a nice smile.

They talked for a while, Farrokh found out that the blonde's kid name was Roger and that they were friends since they were very young. Brian told Farrokh that he liked hearing his questions in class and they quickly became friends, especially Farrokh and Roger. They were like soulmates, total demons, partners in crime, could be called best friends.

The three of them talked about a lot of stuff, Brian was always the one who stopped them from killing each other, he was basically the group's Mom. They also gave Farrokh the nickname Freddie, because Roger couldn't pronounce Farrokh right and it drove Brian crazy.

Anyway, the years passed and that question (that stupid question) didn't come off Freddie's mind. If the world was so perfect, if everyone had the same rights, why couldn't homossexual's have it? It was an actual crime. If someone with the "virus" refused to take the pills they'd be killed. Roger, Brian and Freddie thought it was all a bunch of crap, they all thought that there was no such thing as a "Gay virus" and that the pills just cut off any sexual desire, they never understood why the world was like this. They knew about a book called "The Bible" that was written many, many years ago and that in the past was used as an excuse to hate homossexuality, but after all the Bible was about religion and religions didn't even exist anymore. They were told all religions were "deleted" to prevent future religious wars, but if the world was so perfect and peaceful then why kill people for loving someone of their own gender?

There was no poverty, no hunger, no religions, no wars, no hate. What was the big ass problem with homossexuality?

Freddie wouldn't have to worry about it, though. At least until he was 23, when he met a man that changed his life.

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