Chapter 8 - Advice

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The moment Jim walked out Freddie felt a rage of anger run through his body. He was so angry that he picked up a vase standing on some table, he had bought it himself and it had been expensive, and threw it against the wall with all his strenght. The vase broke into hundreds of pieces that fell on the floor and Freddie just screamed louder before kicking the side of the couch. After this little anger attack went away and he noticed the expensive broken vase on the floor he only sighed and went looking for a broom so he could clean the mess.

As he cleaned it he didn't even notice the little amount of tears that started running down his cheeks. He was angry, sad and confused. Some of the tears fell down on the top of some of the broken vase pieces and he quickly cleaned them away from his face. After finishing cleaning everything he went to his bedroom and lied on the bed. He curled up under the blanket and hugged his knees tight. He wasn't that angry, now, he was mostly sad.

He burried his face on his hands and sobbed quietly as he finally let himself cry freely. He cried for a while, only stopping when his phone started buzzing. He looked at it, kind of hoping it would be Jim, but it wasn't. It was Roger.

He froze for a minute when he remembered he should have met Roger at MyStyle to cover his shift 20 minutes ago.

-Crap - he mumbled as he cleaned his tears and tried his best to disguise his crying voice as he answered the call - Sorry, Rog, I fell asleep. Just let me dress and I'll meet you there soon.

-Hurry up, then! I need to get to class! - he heard his friend yelling.

-I'm going, I'm going - he answered as he stood up.

He went inside the bathroom and looked for his uniform that he problably had left somewhere the day before. He took off his pants and shirt and was ready to dress the uniform when he noticed something in the mirror. He had a dark mark on his hip, the one that Jim had given him during sex. For a moment he felt angry again, he wanted to punch the mirror, but only took a deep breath and calmed down. He dressed quickly, brushed his hair and washed the dry tears from his face.

He ran out and went straight to the clothes store, Roger was at the cashier talking (problably flirting) with some girl with dark hair. Freddie went straight to them and waited for a moment until Roger noticed him.

-Finally! You need to start putting an alarm on your phone, I'm tired of covering half of your shifts, Fred. - he grunted.

-Sorry, blondie, I just am not feeling very well today. - he said as he forced a smile. - You can go to class now, I'll take it from here.

Roger, who was already out of his uniform and on his normal clothes, took that woman's number and walked out. Freddie sitted on the cashier and just waited while that woman took a quick look around the store.

Freddie waited for a while. Jim came to this store every day just to see Freddie, and he was secretly hoping that today the Irishman would appear today too.

He waited and waited, and waited a bit more but there was no sign of him. Freddie was so lost in his thoughts, starring at the door, that he didn't even notice the woman calling him.

-Excuse me? Sir? - she called for the 100th time.

Freddie shook his head slightly and looked at her.

-Yes, hi, sorry. What do you need?

-I just wanted to know if you have this in a smaller number? - she asked as she showed Freddie some jeans.

-Let me check back there. - he said while standing up.

He went in the back and got the number the woman wanted, then gave it to her and went back to the cashier. Just some minutes later she came back to pay for the jeans, Freddie scanned them and handed her the paying device always starring at the door.

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