Chapter 5 - Birthday Gift

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4 Months Later, 4th January

The months just kept passing by and as Freddie expected his attraction to Jim wasn't getting any smaller. He spent a lot of time with Jim and in most of those occasions they'd end up cuddling somehow. Call him crazy but he could swear that Jim also had some feelings for him, at least he behaved like that sometimes. He had kissed Freddie's cheek a some times, Freddie always blushed when that happened and he never knew if that was a friendly or romantic gesture coming from Jim, and that just made him even more confused.

Today was Jim's birthday. Jim was a much simpler man than Freddie, while Freddie would rather spend his birthday partying somewhere with his friends Jim would be happy with a little meeting with a couple of friends at someone's flat. Unfortunately for Jim he was now Freddie's friend, and that meant he would problably be dragged to some club today.

As he was already expecting when he got off work and got to his flat there he was, sitting in front of his door and waiting for him.

-Freaking finally, Jim, what took you so bloody long? - the oldest man asked as he stood up.

-I was at work, what are you doing here? - the Irishman asked, going through his pocket and looking for his keys.

-Do you think I'd forget your birthday?

-Well, no. But it's 4pm I thought you were working too. - he said as he opened the door of his flat.

The two men went in and Jim put all his stuff down, while Freddie jumped on his couch and made himself comfortable.

-So I was thinking about Shivers, how does that sound? - Freddie asked.

-Uhm, what?

-Shivers. The club on the next street.

-First of all: What kind of name is Shivers? And second: Who said I'm going out?

-I don't know, Jim, I didn't pick the freaking name but they have amazing drinks. And I said you are going out, so you're coming because I need a dance partner.

Jim couldn't help but laugh lightly as he sat beside Freddie. Freddie came closer to him and lied his head on Jim's lap like a little kitten.

-If you want me to dance you have to get me really really drunk. - he said as he stroked the older man's soft hair.

Freddie smiled and closed his eyes to enjoy the touch, it were little things like this that made his heart ache. Deep down he knew that there was no way he and Jim could be togheter but he couldn't not enjoy these little moments.

-No problem, my friend, I'll let you drunker than you have ever been.

Jim rolled his eyes and let out a little chuckle. Freddie was without a doubt one of his best friends, he loved spending time with him and if he had to go to a club to be with him then he would.

-Fine, fine. What time should we go?

-I don't know, around 9pm or so.

-It's 4 o'clock, why didn't you come here later if you knew that there was still so much time?

-Because I thought it would be harder to convice you, but oh well since I'm here and you're a good pillow then I guess I'm staying. - he grinned.

Jim smiled a little and kept stroking Freddie's hair. Just a couple of minutes later he heard a little purr coming from his friend and chuckled.

-Are you purring?

Freddie felt his face burn when he realized that he actually was purring like a cat.

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