Chapter 10 - Love Kills

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-B-Boys - Freddie stuttered - I-I... uh, you do know Jim, don't you?

Jim felt his face burning and just tried to avoid eye contact with any of them. The three boys were still standing at the door completely shocked.

-Hm, yes. We... We are familiar with him... - Brian said as he rubbed the back of his head.

Another moment of awkward silence went by between the men. Finally Roger went in with the other two and closed the door.

-What's happening in here? - the blonde man asked - Were you two just making out??

Jim burried his face in his hands completely blushed, Freddie could simply keep stuttering and playing with his own fingers, the way he always did when he was nervous.

-U-Uh... Ok - the eldest man said as he took a deep breath - Sit down, you three. Let me explain this a bit better...

The three men walked to the sitting area and sat in the empty sits, facing Freddie and Jim. Another one of those weird silent moments passed. Brian, Roger and John were waiting for the promised explanation and Freddie was trying to give it to them, the poor man just didn't know how and where to start.

-I... don't know where to start... - he finally admited.

Silence was all that was heard on the room, once again.

-When did this started? - Brian finally asked.

-The first time this happened was a couple of days ago.

-And... what are you two planning to do exaclty? - the youngest man, John, asked.

Freddie felt a slight burn on his cheeks and that helpless feeling growing inside him again. These people were his closest friends, they were almost like a family, but would it still be like that when he told them the truth?

Well, it was late to back off now.

-Jim and I are dating. - he spoke softly after some seconds.

Jim, who had recovered most of the control over himself by now, felt Freddie's hand stroke his leg up until their hands touched. They interwined their fingers and Freddie grinned a bit as he leaned on Jim and squeezed his hand softly.

-Freddie... - the curly man said - You know that we love you and... we would be very happy for you if it wasn't for that law... I know that it's a ridiculous, old-fashioned law but you two are risking a lot.

-I swore to myself that I would never say this, but Brian is right. - the blonde man said.

Brian rolled his eyes and hitted his elbow on Roger's arm as a warning, Roger just ignored him.

-We know all of that, we've thought this through carefully, seriously. - Jim finally spoke.

-Didn't you say that the first time you two got envolved was some days ago? How did you think it through carefully in "a couple of days"? - the youngest man asked.

-We did... I know it sounds crazy, guys, it sounds crazy to me too but we are happy. I just want to know if I have your support or not. - the eldest man said, trying to sound at least a bit secure of himself.

Silence, again. Jim noticed that his boyfriend was possibly about to freak out so he held his hand tighter and caressed it. Freddie squeezed it tight and looked at the other men.


-Of course you have our support, Freddie - Brian continued - We just need to make sure that you two know the risk you are putting yourselves and each other into.

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