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I woke up to the sound of my favourite song, "Somebody to love" by Queen, blasting into my ears. Don't get me wrong, I could listen to it on repeat, but at 7am on a Monday morning, not such a great tune anymore.

"Friday, turn off alarm, please." I instructed to the system that controlled the house. Friday was the new Jarvis, after he became Vision. Crazy stuff, really. But we move on.
I rolled over and out of bed, stumbling lazily towards my dresser to pick out my school clothes. I decided on a great sweater with a collar, and a pair of my favourite jeans, and lightly curled my hair. I did my makeup, concealer, mascara and eyeliner, before adding a gold necklace and snake ring to complete the look. I double checked i looked okay in the mirror, before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey guys," I smiled as I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of juice as I came in.

"What's up kiddo? Excited for school?" Bruce asked, and I shook my head.

"Who would be excited for school on a Monday morning?" I asked, and they laughed.
I took a piece of toast from the breakfast bar, and munched on it as I sat down at the table, and we lapsed into the usual morning chat. Suddenly Tony spoke up.

"Happy's gonna take you to school today, kid, instead of Nat." Tony told me, looking up from his phone. Happy had been my dad's driver for ages, and he was nice, but he was no Aunty Nat.


"I've got to be somewhere this morning. A press conference. So no blasting Queen in the car today, I'm afraid." Nat said, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Aw, that's the best part! Oh well, I'll see you guys when I get home, right?"

"You bet, kiddo." I grabbed my already packed bag off the floor, and slung it over my shoulder. I saluted to the others, before putting on my boots and heading to the front door.

"Honey?" Pepper called, as she walked over to me.

"You forgot my hug." She pouted, and I obliged, letting her stroke my hair. I pulled back, and said goodbye, and walked out the door, where Happy's car was waiting for me.

"Morning, Miss Romanov," He chuckled, and I smiled.

"Morning Haps."

"The usual place?"

"The corner opposite Delmar's. But could you park a little further away? I want to look like-"

"You've already walked a little bit, right?" Happy finished, and I nodded. "You got it."
The drive was relatively short, but quiet because I put in my headphones and listened to Queen, which always made time seem to go much quicker. I thanked Happy for the ride, and hopped out the car.
I walked over to our corner, and waited for Peter, still listening to my music. I felt a tap on my shoulder and whirled round, first curled ready to fight, only to realise it was Peter.

"Whoa, Annie!" He held his hands up, "It's just me!"

"Sorry Peter. I'm a little jumpy, that's all." He immediately looked concerned.

"Did something happen this morning? On your way?"

"Nothing like that. Just a bad dream." I lied, and he relaxed.

"Good. Let's get going."
We chatted about everything and anything on the way to school. He told me about May, his aunt, Ned's new lego set, and how he was in general. I told him about homework, and how my "Aunt" was, and we lapsed into comfortable conversation. We reached school pretty fast, but continued to talk as we had chemistry first, where we sat next to each other.
Ned waved at us as we walked in and we took our seat behind him and MJ.

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