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I sat in the quiet room, fiddling with my pen. Where was Peter? He was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, and he never seemed like the kind of guy to ditch detention. He spent the whole of physics scribbling notes down in his book, and then MJ told me he didnt show up to Biology either. It wasnt like him to miss class, so where was he?

"Annie!" Peter shouted as he came into the room, making me jump.

"Dammit Peter, I thought we put a bell on you?"

He laughed, and took the seat next to me, grinning as the video of Cap appeared on the screen.

"So, you got detention. You screwed up. You know what you did was wrong...." We both couldn't stop laughing.

"Hey, you wanna get out of here?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Where are you thinking?"

"Delmar's?" A small smile played on his lips.

Delmars. I agreed, and he grabbed his bag.

We quickly checked no one was around, before sneaking out the door and sprinting down the hallway. We both did a little jump at the doors, and we both laughed.

"Come on Peter, I'm craving my sandwich now, pleaseeee."

"Alright, Annie, hold your horses!"

We raced each other down the street, laughing our heads off as we did. We finally reached Delmar's, and practically sprinted inside because we were both so hungry.

"Hey Mr Delmar," Peter grinned, and Delmar returned it.

"Peter Parker, my best customer! And Andromeda, how are you?"

"I'm great, Mr Delmar, thank you."

"Not that I need to ask, but what are you both having today?" He said with a smile.

"Peter'll have a number 5, with pickles, squished down real flat," I started.

"And Annie'll have lettuce and tomato, with extra cheese." Peter finished, and Mr Delmar looked impressed.

"You do that every time you come in, and yet it never fails to amaze me." He went off to make our orders, leaving Peter and me standing awkwardly, the adrenaline from earlier having worn off.

"So..." I began, but Peter stopped me.

"I actually have something planned for us, if that okay. So, can we wait until after we've had lunch?" He nodded towards Delmar, who was clearly listening to us.

"Sure." I pulled out my phone and smiled at the text from Nat.

You havent disappeared yet, have you? remember; drugs are always the answer x

I grinned, before typing out a reply

It's all going fine actually x

Except I got detention, and am currently skipping detention to get a sandwich from Delmar's x

That's my girl. PS, you can tell Tony about the detention, that's on you.

Really? Come on :/

Your mess, kid. And I'm no janitor ;)

I looked up to see Peter smiling at me, and I blushed and looked back down at my phone. Then Mr Delmar cleared his throat, indicating that our sandwiches were ready. Peter and I both reached for our wallets at the same time.

"I got it."

"No, I got you detention, I owe you."

"That's stupid. I'm the gentleman, I should..."

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