"Are you insane?"

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"You want a mento?" I whispered, and Peter twisted his head to stare at me.

"You brought mentos on a spaceship?"

"They were in my pocket! And you didn't answer my question!"

"Are they fruit or mint?"

"Fruit, of course. You know I hate any sweet that tastes like toothpaste."

"Right, then yes, I would like a mento." He hissed, and I gave him a smug smile.

We were currently hanging off of the ceiling, watching a very strange looking alien man interrogate the wizard, using at least fifty needles. Peter moved his arm so I could get to my pocket, and I withdrew the packet, careful not to make any noise. I popped two out, and Peter opened his mouth.

"Really? You want me to feed you?"

"Which one of us is suspended in mid air while holding into the other?"

"Fair point." I dropped it in his mouth and he chewed slowly, looking thoughtful. I ate my own sweet, looking down at the lower levels of the ship, and spotted Tony, who was also watching the scene unfold. He looked worried, and I realised he was probably thinking about Pepper. Or me, a voice in my head reminded me, and I felt a pang of guilt.

I pushed it away quickly, and turned to face Peter again.

Peter gulped at the look on my face. "So, uh, what do we do now?" He asked, and I frowned.

"Honestly, I think we should go down and meet Tony."

"Are you insane?"

"Peter, we're on an alien spacecraft, in space. Now is not the time to question my sanity!"

"Right, right. Let's go get killed by your dad."

"That's the spirit." I quipped, and he smiled slightly.

I turned invisible, and Peter dropped me gently on the ground while he continued to crawl along
the ceiling. I walked over to Tony, and Peter landed softly next to me. I became seen again, and nodded at Peter before tapping Tony's shoulder.

He whipped around, blasters at the ready, before he realised who it was.
"Annie? Peter? What the hell are you kids doing here? Actually, you know what, I don't want to hear it."

Peter took a deep breath. "Well, we were going to go home, but then we thought "what if he needs help?" and-"

"I now I gotta hear it." Tony grumbled, but Peter continued over him.

"And these suits are like, ridiculously intuitive, so if anything, it's your fault that we're here-"

I visibly cringed.

"It's my what?" Tony looked mad.

"I take that back, that ones on me." Peter was stumbling over his words, and I laughed before I could stop myself.
Tony whirled on me.

"I expected better from you too, Andromeda. You're definitely grounded when we get back to Earth."

I folded my arms. "Really?" I huffed, and Tony looked at me strangely.

"Is that... strawberry mentos?"

"Dad, I think you're imagining it." I said, hastily changing the subject. I'm not entirely sure what he would do if he found out Peter and I were snacking on an alien spaceship when we were supposed to be back on Earth.
"Anyway, thanks for the suit. Red is totally my colour."

"Yeah, it is." Peter looked me up and down, then realised Tony was still there and adverted his eyes quickly.

Tony cleared his throat. "Okay kids, now that you're here, you might as well help. What're we gonna do about the wizard situation?"

Peter thought for a moment, then brightened up. "Okay, have you guys ever seen this really old movie Aliens?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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