I fell asleep sitting down near erens bed.But for once I didn't have a nightmare it was sort of a memory, more than a dream.
"Eren another fight." I heard a women say.
I looked to see a brown haired women doing the laundry.
Then I looked to my side.
There was eren there holding my hand.
He was all bruised.
"Yeah, well I'm not the one who started it this time, those jerks were bullying Levi, I couldn't just let it happen." The bruised boy said.
Carla kneeled down in front of me.
"Are you okay levi?" She asked.
I nodded. With a small smile.
"Of course, did mikasa come to both your rescues again?" The women then said.
Mikasa went up to her and helped her with the laundry.
"Thank you. Dear."
Eren and I both stayed silent.
Carla went towards eren and wiped the dirt off his face with a handkerchief.
"Eren. We don't throw punches at everyone who's mean to us, being an adult means learning how to pick your battles. You want them to think that your strong, exercise restraint." She said.
My eyes widened.
I was back in that room sitting by eren who was now awake.
He put the key that I gave back to him around my neck.
"Eren. It's yours you should." I mumbled.
"No! I gave it to you, you keep it." He said.
I shouldn't argue about it.
"EREN, LEVI, they've broken through wall rose, the Titans they're coming!" We heard.
I looked to see armin.
He had burst through the door with mikasa.
Me, mikasa, armin, and eren, were all forced to get into our uniform.
We were going to meet, captain Mike, and hange, in stohess district.
Me and eren were sitting in a carriage waiting for the others.
"Great. Can someone explain to me what this means?" He said.
I saw armin come towards us.
"I don't know. But they're Titans right, would they break a wall with Titans in it?" Armin said.
We had learnt that there are Titans inside of the walls.
Does that mean they built the wall with Titans in it.
"Wouldn't be the first time. It's how they got into shiganshina." Eren then said.
"That was a gate."
What does armin mean.
"Armin, what exactly are you getting at." Mikasa said behind him.
"The walls are different. There are no signs of stress, no cracks, no crevices, we can't even really tell how they were constructed. Suppose there built with the same stuff annie trapped herself inside in." He said.
That, he might be right.
"Must be vertical material, and we know it's virtually indestructible."
I looked at eren who held my hand tight.
"So the walls, are made of Titans?" Eren said.
Soon captain Mike, Hange, and a priest, came.
"Sorry to keep you all waiting, it seems to took longer to repair than I thought." Hange said.
They patted my head, I slapped they're hand away.
Eren chuckled.
I looked at armin.
"He's a....he's a.... he's a priest of the order of the walls." Armin said confused.
"I know. Old nick and me are thick as thieves." Hange said. Chuckling.
"It's fine. Nick has much sense to be here as the rest of us, don't you think, we're random." Hange then said.
"Erwin has thrown us together for a reason." Captain Mike spoke.
The carriage started moving.
We were outside of the walls now.
"This whole time, Titans have been protecting us, from other Titans." Armin said.
Eren intertwined our finger.
I had a small blush, and smile.
Hange explained to us, that pastor nick and the other priests of the walls, all knew.
This is strange.
"Wait, wait, back up, your joking right. This guy knew, he knew and he kept quite." Eren said angrily.
Hange made an "ah ha" sound.
"Afraid so. Just about sums up where we are with him. Cats out of the bag now of course, he's not willing to talk yet, but we'll see how he feels after a harsh dose of reality, faith keeps him quite, first hand experience though." They then said.
Eren stood up.
"To hell with that, know we're doing this backwards, if this son of a bitch knows something he needs to come out with it! Humanity's on the brink of extinction And all you care about is keeping your oath." Eren screamed.
I sat him back down.
He looked faint.
He looked into my eyes.
He held my cheek.
"I'm sorry." He said to me.
I gave him a small smile.
Captain Mike held a small pistol near the priest.
"There's more than one way, of getting the truth." He said with a sniff at the end.
"Threatening doesn't work with him captain, trust me on that, agree with me or not, there's no denying our priest here is a principle, which of course leads me to wonder, if he's so unwilling to talk, what in heavens name do you think he's putting above the fait of humanity?" Hange spoke.
I wasn't really listening.
I was just looking up at eren.
"You boy, I've heard the rest of these people speak do you have anything to say to me?" The priest asked.
I shook my head.
"Levi here, pastor nick, is a man of very few words." Hange said.
I rolled my eyes.
Two chapters in one day, I think I'm doing an okay job.
Sorry if I'm boring you.

What if {ereri}
FanfictionWhat happened when Levi mum died Sure we know the story of how Kenny found him But what if there was an alternative universe where a different Ackerman finds Levi And what if that Ackerman was mikasa family And what happens when doctor jeager ha...