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Forget about the ackermans thing in this chapter I can change anything I want.

Also someone gave me the idea but I forgot who it was so thank you.

"Armin. Give him the Titan injection!" I shouted.

Armin flinched.

He got the case for the injection out.

He was about to give it to me to inject Levi.

But suddenly.

Captain Mike came in with the commander almost dead on his back.

"Arlert you need to give me the injection now." Captain said.

He looked at Levi shocked. 

Armin held the injection to his chest.

He has to pick now.

He's obviously going to pick Levi right he's his best friend.

"I'm giving the injection to the commander." Armin said.


Mikasa and hange suddenly came over to us.

Hange was shocked.

Mikasa looked at Levi.

She screamed in emotional pain and went over to him.

"No. No. No. wait. . . He's got a small heart rate we can save him. Armin give him the injection." Mikasa screamed.

"I can't. I have to give it to the commander. He is the only one who can save us." Armin said.

What is he going on about.

"The boys right give it here." The captain said about to take it.

Out of nowhere mikasa tackled armin.

He wasn't even trying to get out the grip.

"Please I want to save Levi more than anything. But I promised I'd use the injection wisely and not just give it to any random person, and Levi sacrificed himself not to just be turned into a Titan but for honour we have to respect that." Armin cried.

"So you won't save the love of my life because it's the honourable thing to do." I said.

Armin looked at me sadly.

"We're kids Eren, we shouldn't have to cheat death." Armin said.

This made me rage.

"You know if it was the other way around Levi would pick you with no hesitation." I screamed.

The captain grabbed mikasa off of armin.

"Enough it's arlerts choice who he chooses. We will respect that choice." Hange said.

Hange grabbed me while Mike had mikasa.

"And make sure you make the right one for humanity's sake." Hange then said.

"Wait." I said.

Everyone looked at us.

"Armin. You know Levi's stronger than all of us he's smart too. He just doesn't like to show it. Please he can become humanity's strongest just let him live." I begged.

Armin sighed I knew he wouldn't change his mind with me just saying that he's too smart for that.

"Armin that dream of yours. I still don't believe, know one else does but Levi, he's never given up on that stupid dream. The only reason he used to opens his mouth as kids is to talk about you and your dream. And one point my parents thought he needed serious help but you helped him so please." I begged.

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