Meanwhile. Getting to know the guest.

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Greenie sat on a chair, waiting for Nadar, Deron, Petrifis, and Kondo to ask him some questions. He was sitting across them so he could see them. He stared deeply into each of them, not breaking any eye contact.

There was a silence between them, eyes staring at each other. This silence was giving the four people an uncomfortable feeling. They couldn't believe something like Greenie existed in their world.

For Kondo, it was like looking at a fairy tale, a myth, a legend, told by adults to either scare children to behave or to entertain them.

For Nadar, it was like staring into the eyes of danger. Thinking that at any moment, Greenie would stand up and kill them all right there and then.

For Petrifis, it was more of a shock. He lived a long life, and he never even seen a creature like Greenie in their world.

And finally, for Deron, it was like staring into a demon. Don't get him wrong or anything, Greenie does look like a demon. The wings, horns, claws, and teeth. Easily could be mistaken as a demon.

The silence was long, but one of them finally asked a question.

" How's life? " Kondo asked. It was a common question to ask anyone, a friend, a worker, or a stranger.

" It's good. How's yours?" Greenie replied and gave a smile.

" It's good too " Kondo said.

Seeing how Kondo asked Greenie a question, the others began to do the same.

" How old are you? " King Nadar asked. Though, he felt like he could have asked a better question.

" I'm 19 years old. " Greenie replied.

" What are you? A demon? " Petrifis asked.

" I don't know what I am... And I am certain that I'm not a demon " Greenie replied to him.

They asked more and more questions, and Greenie replied to the questions. The questions they asked were simple, like "What do you eat? Do you have a favorite food?" And " Why do you have four wings?". And finally, one of them asked a question that made the others surprised after hearing the answer.

" How does it feel like being the only one of your kind to live in gorm?" Deron asked.

" Only one of my kind? I don't feel alone when I have Amber around. " Greenie said.

There was a split second of silence between them. The four looked at each other, and Deron again asked Greenie.

" Who's ... Amber?" He asked Greenie.

" He's my brother. " Greenie replied

The lords looked at each other. They felt dumb, they should have mentioned Amber to their friends.

" Is Amber a gormiti ?" Deron asked.

" No, he's like me. We're the same creature " Greenie replied.

Hearing this surprised the four. There are two of them?

To be continued.

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