Chapter 10

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|Meliodas POV|

All I can do it wait.

Wait till I get to kill her  because she killed her. If she thinks she can get away with it she has something else coming for her. "Ban, when can I do it?" I ask him. He sighs, "just wait, we will let you get her" he smiled giving me a thumbs up. 

I smirk and nod, if she thinks she can get away with it she has something else coming for her. "Elizabeth, are you happy?" I mumble to myself. "I wonder if her death was fast for her, so she wasn't in pain for so long" I sigh.

First my mother, now her.

You killed the two most important people in my life deity. 

"I'm sure she is in a better place" ban comforted me. "Yeah, she was so kind" I whisper trying not to cry. "Did you love her?" ban asked me. I nod my head slowly, "yeah- i-i did she means a lot to me" I mumble trying not to cry anymore. 

"Hey we can maybe bring her back, you know who merlin is?" he asked. I nod slowly, "she could bring her back-Ban you have a good idea for once!" I say jumping up. I might get to see her again, we can live together happily. 

I can't wait to see you again Elizabeth 

|King POV|

I helped murder my friend.

I'm a monster

"King whats wrong?" Diane asks me snapping me out of my trance. "Oh its nothing" I laugh nervously. I sigh, if she ever found out. That would break her. "king, do you think Elizabeth is happy?" Diane asks me about to cry. "hmm, yeah I think so. She is probably watching over you so dont worry" I smile. 

"You know ban had an idea" Diane brought up, "Yeah what is it?" I ask her, she sighs and smiles. "We will contact merlin and ask her if she can bring Elizabeth back!!" she smiled. My heart sank, "Really?" I ask. She nods, "That's great Diane really great" I whisper. 

If she comes back that means I can be exposed. I messed up badly I killed Diane's friend.

"Dont look so down king! We will get her back it will work I promise!" Diane smiles. Ban comes in "Hey merlin is working on it right now. We contacted her and she wanted to help as soon as possible! We will get to see her soon!" ban smiled. Diane shot up, "That's great ban!!  lets go to meliodas! We need a plan to defeat all goddesses" she smiled. "We will get the fairies and humans to help, I think some of the demons will be willing to help too" ban suggested. We all nod. 

I have to go along with the plan to avoid trouble. 

|Elizabeth POV|

I wake up again but in a different place, "Again?" I ask out loud. "Ms. Artemis?!" I call out trying to find her. No response, I open my wings and fly around trying to find her. "Ms. Artemis???" I call again getting scared.

Where was I?

I walked around and instantly knew.

I was in the border of the deceased and the alive, something or someone was trying to bring me back. If that's the case then I will get to see them again. I miss my friends and if who ever is trying to bring me back I need to thank them! 

Meliodas is the Demon king so what he says go where he lives. That means we could be together and no one could say different! 

I can't wait to see you again Meliodas

Ayy! Im back bitchesss

Peace out,


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