ch 8: Becky is pregnant! 😱

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A/n this us going to be a emotional chapter make sure you guys have a box of tissues on stand by 😭

Alexa and Becky walks in their old bedroom it's empty of course

'This room brings back so many memories' Alexa says, while looking around the room

'Yeah it does' Becky says, trying to hold back the tears, Alexa walks up to her and hugs her

'Oh my god, it's hard to walk up the stairs being six months pregnant' Carmella says, everybody laughs

Carmella stands at the top of the stairs while Sasha and Bayley goes to their old bedroom Carmella looks at Becky and Alexa hugging, Alexa pulls away first and looks at Becky and she's crying

'You ok?' Alexa asks, Becky doesn't say anything, Carmella walks in and walks up to them

'Becks, you ok?' Carmella asks, Becky looks between them

'I'm late' Becky says, Alexa's eyes widened

'Late for what?' Carmella asks, Alexa rolls her eyes and puts her head down, Becky looks at Carmella

'I'm pregnant' Becky whispers, Carmella's eyes widened and then she screams and hugs Becky

Carmella's scream scared the living shit out of everybody and they all runs to becky's and alexa's room

'Babe what's wrong?' Mickie asks as she walks up to her

'Nothing is wrong with me but Becky has some exciting news' Carmella says, everybody looks at Becky

'I'm pregnant' Becky says, with tears coming down her face

Everybody is in shock but also excited they congratulate Becky and Alexa

'Two down, two to go' Aj says

'Actually three if Sami comes back' Finn says

'Let's give Alexa and Becky privacy guys' Mickie says, everybody leaves


They walk down the stairs Carmella is the last one down the stairs out of breath

'Ok now stairs are my enemy now' Carmella says out of breath, everybody laughs

Carmella walks over to the couch and lays down she puts her head on Mickie's lap and falls asleep


Sasha and Bayley walks in their old bedroom Sasha stands in the middle of the room and looks around

'I thought this room was a lot smaller when we had everything in here' Sasha says

'Yeah, now the room is a lot bigger' Bayley says, she walks up to the window and looks outside

'I wonder what my twin looks like' Bayley says, Sasha turns around and looks at her

'Probably the opposite of you, darker, I think all of our twins are the opposite of us' Sasha says, Bayley turns around

'That makes sense' Bayley says, Sasha smiles and walks up to her hugs her then looks at her

'Come on let's go home you look tired and about to pass out any moment' Sasha says in a worried voice

A/n hint hint 😉

'Ok' Bayley says, they go downstairs and Sasha tells them that Bayley isn't feeling good and they understand


In Becky's and Alexa's old bedroom

'When did you find out?' Alexa asks, Becky looks at her

'This morning, I wanted to tell you alone first but things didn't go as plan' Becky says

'I know tell me about it and I thought Bayley's scream was loud, i can't hear now' Alexa says, Becky laughs

'Are you happy?' Becky asks, Alexa looks at her

'Of course i am, still in shock but I am happy' Alexa says

'Good' Becky says, they kiss

'Come on let's go celebrate with the others' Becky says

'Ok' Alexa says, they go downstairs and notice that Sasha and Bayley are gone

'Hey where's Sasha and Bayley at?' Alexa asks

'Oh Sasha had to take Bayley home because she's not feeling good' Aj says

'Hope she gets better soon' Becky says

'We all do' Dana says, they decide not to celebrate just yet they wait until they hear about Bayley first

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