ch. 9: Finn's mission

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Aj is sitting on the balcony drinking coffee looking at all the people driving by or walking then Eva walks out Aj looks at her

'Morning' Aj says

'Morning' Eva says

'How well did you sleep last night?' Aj asks

'Pretty good, until Finn started screaming in his sleep' Eva says

'Yeah, its getting worse' Aj says

'Too bad we can't talk him into therapy or something' Eva says

'I know, we all tried everything to get him out of this funk' Aj says

'True, but luckily we know that Sami is still alive' Eva says

'That's good news' Aj says

'Do you know if they can get back together or still together?' Eva asks

'I don't know, that's something that they need to figure out on their own' Aj says

'Yeah' Eva says, they sit and watch the sunrise together


'I don't think that my feet can't anymore swollen' Carmella says, she sits down on the couch

'Great something that I can look forward to' Becky says, they laugh

'Wait until the morning sickness' Mickie says

'Yeah, it's not fun' Carmella says

'Great something that i can look forward to' Alexa says, they laugh

'Aj told me Finn's nightmares are getting worse' Sasha says

'Is there anything that we can do for him?' Bayley asks

'Probably not, we just need to find Sami ASAP' Mickie says

'How are you guys going to do that, we don't know what our twins are capable of doing' Becky says

'Yeah, i don't need you hurt before I give birth' Carmella says

'Alexa you wanna take this one' Sasha says

'I would love too but Becky is in the same situation' Alexa says, Carmella's jaw drops

'Rude, punish them' Carmella says, she says to Bayley and Becky

'Why they didn't really do anything wrong this time' Bayley says

'We're slacking in that department' Alexa says

'Good!' Becky says, she looks at her

'It makes to my mind but I don't feel saying it by then' Sasha says

'Man you guys are slacking in that department' Carmella says, they laugh, then Aj runs in Mickie's and Carmella's apartment

'Guys Finn is gone!?' Aj says

'What time is he supposed to be back?' Alexa says, Sasha laughs and Becky slaps Alexa on her shoulder

'Ok what do you mean by gone?' Mickie asks

'He left a note saying that he's going to find Sami on his own and left his phone behind too' Aj says

'Alright Aj show me what building you saw Alexa's twin go into, I'll call for back up on the way there' Mickie says, she walks in their bedroom Carmella gets up and follows her

'Please be careful' Carmella says, Mickie gets her gun and puts her holster, she walks up to Carmella and smiles

'I will be, i promise' Mickie says, Carmella smiles

'Good' Carmella says

'I'll be back soon' Mickie says

'Ok' Carmella says, they kiss and Mickie leaves


So Aj shows Mickie where he saw Alexa's twin went into at

'Where's your back up at?' Aj asks

'They are on their way' Mickie says

'Good, so now what we wait right?' Aj asks

'Yeah until they get here' Mickie says

'How's Carmella's pregnancy going?' Aj asks

'Good, feet are swollen up' Mickie says

'Been there, saw that' Aj says, he looks out the window, Mickie looks at him

'You have a kid?' Mickie asks, he looks at her

'Yeah a boy name Jacob, here's a picture of him' Aj says, he shows her

'Aw he's cute' Mickie says

'Yeah, i get him every other weekend' Aj says

'That's nice that you get to see him' Mickie says

'Yeah it is' Aj says, then Mickie's back up arrives

'Here they are' Mickie says

they get out of the car and walks up to everybody else, Aj tells them everything as soon as gets done talking the building explores everybody ducks down

'The hell!?' Aj says

'Oh my god, Hopefully nobody was in there' Mickie says

'Yeah me too' Aj says

'Call the fire department' Mickie says, to one of the officer

'Yes ma'ma' the officer says

they do and they get there puts out the fire, looks around nobody else was inside the chief walks up to them

'Nobody else was inside' the chief says

'Thank god' Mickie says

'Then where the hell are they at?' Aj asks

'I don't know' Mickie says, they start looking around

Underground, where the building was at Bray is dragging Finn's body down a dark empty hallway

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