ch. 13: birth

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A couple of weeks later in the middle of the night one night Carmella wakes up in pain she sits up Carmella puts her hand on her stomach then the pain comes back then she feels wetness underneath her and then she realizes that her water broke

'Babe?' Carmella asks, Mickie wakes up and looks at her

'Your water broke?' Mickie asks

'Yeah' Carmella says, in pain

'Show time!' Mickie says, she gets up

They grab the baby bag and Mickie calls AJ to tell him and the others that Carmella is going into labor


At the hospital Carmella and Mickie are in Carmella's room and the others are in the waiting room

'It sucks that Finn and Sami won't be able to meet Mickie's and Carmella's baby for awhile' Alexa says

'There's something that I need to tell you guys' AJ says

'What is it?' Sasha asks

'I have a son name Jacob and he's three years old, I didn't tell you guys, it's not because I'm shame of him,  it's because I don't know how you guys would react to it, are you guys going to judge me or what' AJ says

'We wouldn't judge you' Bayley says

'Yeah some times things are best to be left private' Becky says

'Thank you guys for understanding' AJ says

'Of course' Sasha says

'Does Eva know about Jacob?' Alexa asks

'She does, I told Mickie when me and her was on that stake out, and Carmella a couple of weeks ago, other then those three nobody else knows but you guys now' AJ says

'Speaking of babies, how is your guys little one?' Bayley asks, Becky and Alexa smiles

'They are going great just had a doctors appointment and everything looks good, we just heard the heart beat, I think Alexa recorded it' Becky says

'Yeah I did, actually, you guys wanna hear it?' Alexa asks

'Yeah' Sasha says, Alexa hits the play butto, they hear the heart beat

'Aw' Bayley says

'Was you in the delivery room AJ?' Sasha asks

'Or went to the doctor appointments?' Alexa asks, Becky can tell that AJ is sad

'Or you didn't know that she was pregnant until recently you found about Jacob' Becky says

'Bingo' AJ says

'Oh AJ' Bayley says, in a sad voice

'It's fine, nothing that I can do about now' AJ says

'Just be glad that you have him now' Sasha says, he nods his head in agreement

'Yup' AJ says


28 hours later

After twenty-eight hours of Carmella being in labor, it's finally time for Carmella to push, she does push so many times until the baby comes out and they clean them up and all that jazz they hand them to Carmella, she looks at the baby

'Hi baby' Carmella says, to the baby

'Do we have a name yet?' The nurse asks, they both smiles

'Yeah we do' Mickie says, they tell the nurse what the name is


Later the day once Carmella is finally settled in her room the others come to visit her they say congratulations and hugs, AJ is looking at the baby in the crib thingy

'Well now we can tell you guys the gender and the name' Carmella says

'It's a girl and her name is Avery Elizabeth James' Mickie says

'Aka AJ' Carmella says, AJ turns around and is surprised that they name her after him

'We name her after you because you did so much for all of us here, we thought to return the favor' Carmella says, AJ smiles

'Thank you I appreciate it' AJ says, he hugs both of them

'And I told them about Jacob earlier and they took well, they are very supportive' AJ says

'That's good' Carmella says, Then Avery wakes up and starts crying

'Feeding time' Carmella says, AJ looks at Avery

'May i?' AJ asks them, they both smiles

'Yeah, of course you can' Mickie says

'Awesome' AJ says, he reaches down

'Ok little one come to your uncle AJ, it's been since I done this' AJ says, he picks her up and hands Avery to Carmella

'Jacob's mom told me that he was mine when was a couple of days after he was born' AJ says

'Makes sense now' Alexa says

They stay a little bit longer but leaves shortly later to let Carmella and Avery rest

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