ch. 4: the laboratory

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Whoever took sami's body took him to this abandoned factory and now Sami's body is laid out on a mental table

'Is he ready?' The man asks

'Yes sir' the lady says, the man walks up to the table

'Ok let's get started' the man says, the lady nods

The man starts cutting into Sami's body where the bullet hit him at

'Are you sure that is going to work?' The lady asks, the man looks at her

'Yes, it has to work' the man says, the lady nods

The man gets back to opening up sami's body

At the police station Finn is in the questioning room

'For the last time why would I take my dead boyfriend's body?' Finn says

'I don't maybe to keep him close to you or for closure' the cop says, then Dana walks in

'Don't say anything else mr. Balor' Dana says, she walks up and stands beside Finn

'Youre his lawyer?' The cop says

'As of right now yes I am' Dana says, she looks at Finn

'Come Finn, you don't have to answer any of these questions' Dana says

she walks up to the door and opens it for Finn, Finn looks at the cop then he gets up and walks out witn Dana follows him out

At the laboratory the man fixes everything that is damaged in sami's body and now he's about to put in IV

'Now after i put this liquid it should take about 30 minutes to wake him up' the man says

'Should we dress him first?' The lady says

'Ok good idea, let's get him clothes' the man says

They go and get Sami some clothes then comes back and dresses him

'Ok now that's he's dress, let's put in the IV' the man says, the lady nods

The man finds a vein and puts the needle in and now they wait 30 minutes until Sami wakes up

A/n until next time! Cliffhanger!

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