ch. 11: new location

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At the new laboratory Finn is tied down to a table fully cloth then he wakes let's his eyes adjust to the lighting and he looks around he sees all these weird tools and tanks of water

'Hello!?' Finn says, no response

'Anybody there!?' Finn asks, no response, he tries to get out of the straps

'Don't worry Finn everything will be ok' a familiar voice says, walking towards him

'Sami?' Finn says, Sami walks up to him and he looks like he does now with the long hair

'You look different' Finn says

'Yes I do but I'm still the same Sami that you always knew and loved' Sami says, with a smile, Finn smiles too but in the inside he knows that something is off about all of this


At the old laboratory AJ and eight month pregnant Carmella are there, Carmella brought AJ there against his will because she thinks that Mickie and them are missing something and just in case she goes into labor that she doesn't want to be alone if that happens

'Ok if Mickie finds that you are here eight months pregnant about to go into labor she will kill me because she can't hurt you obviously' AJ says, in a panic voice

'Oh come down, I'll deal with her if she comes here because she has my location just in case I go into labor early' Carmella says

'Oh isn't that just freaking wonderful' AJ says, in sarcastic voice

'Ok sarcastic pants we know Finn he would leave something behind if he was in trouble, something that we can see but the cops can't see though' Carmella says, she starts looking around

'Ok well he could have left anything behind' AJ says

'That's true' Carmella says

As she pushes the ashes around with her foot she sees a piece of paper folded up

'AJ come here I think I found something' Carmella says

AJ walks up to her and she points to the piece of paper that's folded up and AJ bends down to grab it

'I'm eight months pregnant unfortunately I can't bend down anymore or see my ankles' Carmella says, AJ chuckles

AJ stands up and opens the piece of paper on it, it says 'Bears bar'

'Bears bar?, why does that sound familiar?' Carmella asks

'It's a old factory on root sixty-eight they mad chocolate ice cream bars shaped as bears' Mickie says, They look at her

'It was her idea to come here' AJ says, Carmella looks at him

'Good job staying calm' Carmella says, Mickie walks up to them

'I only came here because I felt like you guys missed something because Finn would always leave something behind plus I bought AJ with me just in case I do go into labor early' Carmella says, Mickie looks at her

'We'll talk about this later at home, in the meantime is that Finn's handwriting?' Mickie asks, AJ looks at the handwriting

'Yeah it is, he must have overheard them talking wrote it down then got caught they took him then he must drop the peice of paper' AJ says, Mickie takes it

'I'll tell my boss what you guys found, I'll keep you guys updated' Mickie says

'Sounds good' AJ says, Mickie looks at him

'In the meantime take mella home' Mickie says, she looks at Carmella then leaves

Once Mickie leaves the building Carmella starts crying and AJ hugs her

'Shhhhhhh, it's going to be ok' AJ whispers, he kisses her on the head


At Carmella's and Mickie's house, yes they bought a house

Mickie just got home from work and she walks up the stairs to their bedroom she walks in and sees Carmella sitting on the bed they look at each other and Mickie sees that Carmella has been crying

'Hey' Mickie says

'Hey' Carmella whispers, Mickie walks up to her and sits down in front of her

'Well thanks to you and AJ for going back to the old laboratory and finding that piece of paper, we went to that Bears bar factory and found Finn and Sami, and most importantly the people that have been keeping them hostage' Mickie says

'Are they ok?' Carmella asks

'It's going to take time especially Sami to recover fully from all of the brainwash that they put him through over the months luckily we got to Finn in time before they started brainwashing him too' Mickie says

'Thank god' Carmella says

'Yeah' Mickie says

'Listen I hope that you understand why I went there because Finn is like a brother to me and I just wanted to help find him because he told us one time that if he was in trouble that he would leave something behind for us to find him' Carmella says, Mickie smiles

'You know when I saw your location that you was at the explosion factory I was mad but when we caught who kidnapped Finn and Sami it mad me realized that you was just helping us, I told AJ that we caught who kidnapped them and that Finn and Sami are save and sound, and to tell the others, and I thank him for helping us, he said that I should be thanking you' Mickie says, Carmella smiles

'So thank you for pointing us in the right direction' Mickie says

'Anything for my pretend brother' Carmella says, they laugh

'Oh how I love pregnancy brain, are you still mad at me?' Carmella asks

'A little bit but I won't be if you tell me that you won't do that again' Mickie says

'Um I can't promise you that, I only help my friends if they get themselves into similar situations like what happened to Finn' Carmella says, Mickie isn't to happy about that and Carmella can see that

'But I can promise you that I won't do it again while being eight months pregnant' Carmella says, Mickie's eyes widened

'Now that's more like it' Mickie says, Carmella laughs

'Plus I had AJ with me just in case I did go into labor early' Carmella says

'That's true, that was a smart idea on your end' Mickie says

'Are we good now?' Carmella asks, Mickie smiles, Mickie sits up closer to her and kisses her

'Yeah we are' Mickie says, Carmella smiles

'Good' Carmella says, they kiss and it leads to a make out session

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