ch.14: home

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Carmella and Avery arrived home safe and sound Carmella is sitting on the couch breastfeeding Avery because she's hungry and a new born then Mickie walks up to them and sits down beside them

'Now I understand how my mom felt when she had to breast feed me all the time' Carmella says

'And all of the night time feeding times too' Mickie says

'True, I wonder how AJ survived all of this' Carmella says, Mickie chuckles

'Don't worry, you'll survive this too' Mickie says

'Well I know that today is going to be hell because the others are coming over to see Avery, any update on Finn and Sami?' Carmella asks

'Unfortunately no' Mickie says

then Mickie's phone vibrates, she does it to not wake up Avery, Mickie picks up the phone

'Who is it?' Carmella asks

'AJ' Mickie says, she answers it

'Hello, Hey, no I'm up anyways because Avery has to eat, awesome that's good news, what about Sami?, ok I figured because he's more damaged then Finn is, yeah no I'll tell her, ok see later on bye' Mickie says, she hangs up

'What was that about?' Carmella asks, Mickie looks at her

'Finn is awake but Sami is not still' Mickie says

'That is good news in a way' Carmella says

'Yeah it is' Mickie says, Carmella can tell that she's thinking of something

'What are you thinking about?' Carmella asks, Mickie looks at her

'What if Sami never wakes up?' Mickie asks

'What do you mean?, hang on ok kid time switch boobs now' Carmella says, Mickie chuckles, Carmella switch Avery to the other boob

'Ok you was saying' Carmella says

'What if Sami needs whatever those people gave him like he  needs those types of medicines and we took that away from him' Mickie says

'That could be a possibility' Carmella says

They sit in silence thinking about that until Avery is done eating


Later that day first AJ stops by to see Avery, in Avery's nursery Carmella and AJ are standing in front of her bed thingy looking at her Avery is sleeping

'Ok I know it's too early to tell who she looks like but doesn't she look like Mickie from the side profile' Carmella says, AJ looks at Avery's side profile

'Huh she does, doesn't she?' AJ asks

'Right, do you want to hold her, for whatever reason when she's in male's arms she stays asleep but when she's in a female's arms she wakes up, it's so weird' Carmella says

'Was your guys doctor male or female?' AJ asks

'Male why?' Carmella asks

'Because whoever she was in that person's arms male or female that's who she's bonded to first gender wise but eventually when she realizes that you and Mickie are her parents then she will start sleeping in your guys arms' AJ says

'Huh, that's a interesting fact' Carmella says

'I know, our doctor said that about Jacob because he would do the same thing with his mom but the opposite when he's in arms until eventually he realized 'oh you're my parent too' AJ says, Carmella chuckles

'Alright kid here we go' AJ says, he picks Avery up and holds her, she opens her eyes

'Hi' AJ says, Carmella smiles

'Within the past week she gained two pounds' Carmella says

'Wow that's impressive' AJ says

'She had her first doctor's appointment yesterday, all healty' Carmella says

'That's good, where's Mickie at?' AJ asks

'Oh she went to the hospital to see how Finn and Sami are doing' Carmella says

'Ah, well when Finn woke up, he was confused at first he didn't remember me at first but about thirty minutes later he finally remembered what happened to him, he still has a long ways to go still until he's fully back to normal' AJ says

'Is that what the doctors said?' Carmella asks

'Yeah' AJ says, then Mickie walks in, they look at her

'Hey, long time no see' AJ says, Mickie smiles

'Hey' Mickie says, she walks up to them

'What is it?' Carmella asks

'Um I just came from the hospital and they said if Sami doesn't wake in the next couple of weeks they are going to take him off of life support' Mickie says

'Oh my God, so he's going to die either way right?' Carmella asks

'Looks like it if he can't breathe on his own that is' Mickie says

'Well luckily we have this little one to keep us going if Sami does die' AJ says, he looks down at Avery and they smile

The others comes and visits later on they talk and catch up on each other's lives

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