Chapter 4

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I look around and try to make out where I am
The room is quite aesthetically pleasing and the floors give the room a good climate. It's not much bigger than my room but it has a comeoketky different vibe than my room.
I try to figure out where I am, I didjt get drunk yesterday did I? Did I get kidnapped? Oh no, I dont want to get kidnapped I'm to young to dieeeeee.... Okey wait I have to focus.

I stand up and walk towards the window. I don't know the surrounding. It looks like a rural area, that means I'm not in seal anymore. I slowly start to panic. "Fuck, have I really been kidnapped in my sleep?", I talk to myself. Wait. Is the door locked. I walk towards the door and suddenly see someone 8n the corner of my eye.

I quickly turn my head ready to ask them where i am and how i got here, when my jaw drops. It's a mirror. But... there is not me in it? How is this possible. It's a girl and she does not look asian? I start touching my face to see if it's really my reflection or if it's just a stupid joke but the refeltion does the exact same movements. I jump to maybe trick the person mimicking me but it happens at the exact same time as I do it so it's not somebody mimicking my movements. Is this a joke? I'm I on drugs ? Or... did I really switch into someone else's body? I've read about this.... on Wattpad. Yes, I have Wattpad so don't judge me for it! I always thought this is just some stupid fiction but fuck this is real??

"Luna?", I hear someone yell. Ah shit, they dont live alone. Okey I'll try to play the role as best as possible. I dont want to blow my cover...yet. Okey my acting scills have to take place. How could this person be? They have lot of plants, probably really caring and committing, looks clean so also very responsible. Okey I got this, I'll try my best. I step out of the room and look around. It looks like a studio apartment and everything is kept in quite with wooden furniture and some plants,but not as many as in her room. I step into the room where the music is coming from to see it's a kitchen and there is a girl dancing in there. She has a similar blond hair colour but it looks a bit more red. She is about the Sam height as me and looks like she could be a model with her long and rather skinny legs. She is not to thin and has some muscle. In her face are a few freckles just like the girl owning this body has aswell. A difference is that the girl in the kitchen is wearing glasses while I'm not.

"Luna, are you okey? Why are you just standing there? Come eat.", the girl says while smiling. I smile back and walk towards the table. At the table are two seats and I look and think where to sit. I decide to just sit down anywhere. We both sit down and we start to eat. Its quiet and I can see that I'm getting some glances from the corner of my eye. Oh shit, did I do something wrong? Did my cover already blow?
But she didn't say anything. We finish eating and I help her clean the table and the dishes. After we finished I look around and think, what would Luna do? I start walking back to my room.

Oh, this is so wrong. How am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to get back to my members? So many questions.
Wait I could try send them something over Instagram! I search for her phone. I find it near her bed on the wooden table where i searched for a clock earlier. I pick it up. Yes the luck is on my side, It doesn't have a password. I start looking through the phone to get to know the person.

After an hour of just scrolling through the phone and finding some general information about Luna and her closest friends I feel like I know enough about her for now. I think I should try to send my members and Johnny an DM now. I open Instagram and I try to lock myself into my account....the important word is try. I cant remember my password. That cant be real!how am I supposed to message them? If I send them an DM over her account it will go down with all the fan messages. I'm fucked.
I know i should've at least memorized Johnny's number, or my own.
I stand up frustrated and walk circles in her room.
What am I supposed to do?
What am I supposed to do?
What am I supposed to do?
"How do I explain to somebody that I switched bodies with Luna, a girl that I dont even know! They will think I'm crazy, or rather Luna! Gosh how do i do this?!", I talk to myself.

"Now I know what's going on, I did think you were acting really strange today, like you're not yourself you know? And as you are not yourself this explains everything"
I get startled and look at the door to see the sister, I found out that she is called Jenny, leaning in the door frame. "How much did you hear?", I ask. "Pretty much everything, it was your behaviour which raised my suspicion but now, everything is clear."
"You don't think I'm crazy, do you?"
"Oh nono not at all. I read about this. You should now I'm a psychology major and I'm really interested into dreams and their meanings. That's when I stumbled upon an article about switching bodies while dreaming. It's quite interesting. I thought that's some made up witchy stuff but I guess it really does work.", Jenny says while slowing walking towards the bed and sits down. I look at her in confusion but actually there is nothing confusing about it. It makes so much sense.
She looks me in the eyes and says:

"I think it is called corpusvertism"


Hello and welcome back to another chapter. I'm sorry but rn it's still a bit boring but it will come to some interactions between Ten and Luna in the next chapter, promise!
Btw for those who are interested:
I came up for the technical term  Corpusvertism. I looked for something on the internet if there already is a word for this phenomenon but I didnt find one so i came up with this. Its latin and stands for

Corpus = Body
Verti (coming from Verto) = swap

That's the nerd knowledge for today, okey byeeee :)

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