Demon Possession

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   Today we're going to talk about demon possession. A subject which has been misunderstood by the media and movies.

Demonic possession or devil possession involves the belief that a demon or an  entity can control a person's actions and take over their body. It is crutial to realize that a possession can't and won't occur without the consent, however minimal, of the victim. This concent prodominitaately takes the form of past sins and regrets.

When a person is demonically possessed, he or she suffers from a complete seizure of their personality by a diabolical being.  It is important to note that demonic possession is not the automatic explaination for unexplained behavior. Typically those viewed as "possessed" were merely afflicted by some mental condition unknown or untreated. In addition, exorcism is not the desired treatment.

 Since we got onto the topic, many people perceive demons a different way. The term "demon" is derived from the Greek word daimon meaning divine power, fat, or god. The actual translation of demon means "replete with wisdom" connoting that the demons were highly knowledgeable creatures, evident in their knowledge of an individual's secretive sins. 

Christianity, for example,  perceives demons as evil beings who'll hurt you and wish only bad upon you. While Satanism does not have the same opinion. In many of the Disasporic traditional African religions  , possessing demons are not necessarily harmful or evil, but are rather seeking to rebuke misconduct in the living. Of course, this varies and I surely do not intend to shame any religion since they are all completely  valid and we are free to believe in whatever we want.

 I do believe whatsoever that demons are powerful beings which do not necessarily wish bad upon all humans, since there are many types of demons. This is ,of course, my opinion. 

Getting back to our original subject,

Signs of demon possession are:

-Contortions-Paranormal Capabilities-Superhuman Strength-Knowledge of Previously Unknown Languages-Unnatural Body Movements-Speaking in Tongues (glossolalia)-Blasphemies-Appearance of Wounds that Vanish as Quickly as they Appear-Thinking Oneself Possessed-Being Persistently Ill -Falling into Heavy Sleep-Vomiting Strange Objects

A/N: This will be all for this chapter! If you have any critics or my information is wrong by any means please tell me either in private or comments! Also, if you have any suggestions or requests for new chapters, anything you'd like me to research or talk about, please do inform me!

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