Satanic Triumvirate

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The Satanic Triumvirate

     The Satanic Triumvirate, also known as the Triumvirate of Hell and the Triumvirate of Hades, was a system of shared power in Hell amongst Lucifer with Beelzebub and Satan that was created during the early formations of Hell to ensure that chaos did not engulf the Inferno.

     Some time after Lucifer and his rebel angels fell from Heaven, what was once called the Abyss, instead began to take shape around Lucifer and his fallen brethren, shifting and contorting under the influence of their wickedness, becoming the realm of the afterlife known as Hell. The triumvirate first demonstrated their power by defeating the Prime Evils.

     During the first gathering of Hell's inhabitants, the Stygian Council, the many demons and fallen angels would continuously argue with one another on how to strike back against the divine which sparked upheaval in Hell, fracturing its inhabitants into two armies; those who welcomed oblivion and those opposed. As a result, Hell was divided and thrown into conflict.              To restore order, Lucifer conceded to share power with two of his most prominent and trusted fallen angels, that being Satan and Beelzebub, to assume the positions of cooperative sovereign rulers of the Inferno.

    The Infernal Triumvirate was responsible for creating the hierarchy within Hell, and while complex for a human mind, it is not so much for Hell's occupants with many of the high-ranking and low-ranking demons having positions of power that is similar to how the hierarchy of the human realm works when it comes to high-ranking positions in their system of power. 

    Despite being a triumvirate, Lucifer and Beelzebub are the more prominently active members of the system whilst Satan does not contribute much in Hell's activities due to the fact that he is mostly held within the deepest trenches of the Ninth Circle of Hell. Due to this, Satan's position was usually filled by other high-ranking demons with the most notable ones being Astaroth, Azazel, and Belial.

The Stygian Council

    The Stygian Council, also known as the Infernal Council, is a colossal gathering of demons in the Inferno who come together alongside many other demons of different hierarchical ranks such as dukes, princes, kings, and the emperor himself. The council was formed almost immediately after and his army of fallen angels were cast out of for rebelling against and the humans.

   The Stygian Council is made up of millions of fallen angels and high ranking demons as well. The Seven Princes of Hell are also said to be sat by Lucifer and Satan, although they are positioned at a much lower section of the globe construct and placed in a circular manner around the globe itself.

    Whenever the council is called to gather, it acts as more of an office where the demons can debate to one another upon what to do concerning matters that are occurring in Hell, the human world, and so forth

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    Whenever the council is called to gather, it acts as more of an office where the demons can debate to one another upon what to do concerning matters that are occurring in Hell, the human world, and so forth. However, the council will only be called if these matters will affect them, their status along with their operations in Hell.

   While the demons of high ranks can freely debate, lesser demons like fallen angels simply sit aside and would hear out the words of their lords and masters, allowing them to freely debate to each other on whether to agree or disagree with their words.

   While the demons of high ranks can freely debate, lesser demons like fallen angels simply sit aside and would hear out the words of their lords and masters, allowing them to freely debate to each other on whether to agree or disagree with their...

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            Notable Members of the Stygian Council

Lucifer - Potentate of Hell, Prince of Pride

Satan - Co-Potentate of Hell, Prince of Wrath

Beelzebub - Co-Potentate of Hell, Prince of Gluttony

Lilith - Empress of Hell

Asmodeus - Prince of Lust

Livyatan - Prince of Envy

Belphegor - Prince of Sloth

Mammon - Prince of Greed

Mephistopheles - Lord of Faustian Bargains

Iblis - Lord of the Jinn

Baal - Vassal King of Hell

Paimon - Vassal King of Hell

Beleth - Vassal King of Hell

Purson - Vassal King of Hell

Asmoday - Vassal King of Hell

Vine - Vassal King of Hell

Balam - Vassal King of Hell

Zagan - Vassal King of Hell

Belial - Vassal King of Hell,

Berith - Secretary of Hell

Astaroth - Duke of Infernal Matters

Moloch - Lord of oaths and Shame

Nergal - Pagan Deity turned Head of Secret Police

Mulciber - Hell's Architect, Mammon's aide

Barbatos - Duke of Hell, Astaroth's aide

Aamon - Marquis of Hell, Astaroth's aide

Rashaverak - Astaroth's aide

Pruflas - Astaroth's aide

Chemosh, Orias, Sargatanas, Arioch

Nisroch - Hell's master of cuisine

Azazel, Legion, Dagon

Aciel - (Elector of Hell)

The rest of the Ars Goetia

Lesser Demon Lords and Officials.

The Pandemonium (center) of Hell:

The Pandemonium (center) of Hell:

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