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A/N: Hello! Unfortunately I have forgotten to write about the last famous prince of hell,that being Leviathan. I am very sorry for the lateness of this chapter and very grateful to the reader who pointed this out to me! That being said, this is the last of the seven famous prince of hell, Leviathan ,the demon of envy.

     Envy  is connected to the Leviathan , and is also said to be the motivation behind Cain murdering his brother, Abel , as Cain envied Abel because favored Abel's sacrifice over Cain's.

   Leviathan is one of the Seven Princes of Hell and its gatekeeper. Leviathan as the gatekeeper is known as the Hellmouth  where the mighty demon's mouth is said to represent the gates of Hell itself. He is also the representation of the sin, Envy.

    The entrance of Hell is envisioned as Leviathan's mouth is due to the fact that when a whale is hungry, he opens his mouth and a sweet smell comes out

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    The entrance of Hell is envisioned as Leviathan's mouth is due to the fact that when a whale is hungry, he opens his mouth and a sweet smell comes out. The fish are tricked by the smell and they enter into his mouth. Suddenly the whale's jaws close. Leviathan and the Gates of Hell  are inextricably linked to one another, as such it is said that that the demon's very mouth can lead to the depths of the Abyss as well (though this may be another entity instead).

     The Leviathan was perhaps the first beast created by God, followed by the Behemoth and the Ziz, as the embodiment of the chaotic waters that cannot be tamed by man and only by God. At the time, however, the Leviathan did not dwell within the Earth but resided in the Abyss until he was tamed by God after the creation of the Heavens and Earth. It is said that the Leviathan was not too fond of being under God's power and would express its frustration by thrashing violently in the abyssal waters, threatening to flood the Earth and swallow the stars but would be stopped by God each time.

   It is even suggested that the Leviathan was envious of God's dominion over the Heavens and the Earth with the beast wanting to have a domain of equal value and vastness.

   It is even suggested that the Leviathan was envious of God's dominion over the Heavens and the Earth with the beast wanting to have a domain of equal value and vastness

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   Leviathan is one of the most powerful beings in creation with its sheer presence being enough to make even the bravest of men tremble at the spot. According to the Book of Job, no creature in the depths of the oceans is its equal and looks down upon those who are proud and arrogant.  The Leviathan's power is enough to even warrant it a place among Hell's nobility despite it not being a demon though the forces of Hell were more than impressed with its destructive capabilities. Rabbi Johana writes that if he would put his head into Paradise no living creature could endure the odor of him.

    In legend, it is said that Leviathan's own body serves as its own realm of Hell and preys upon souls that attempt to escape from the Inferno, devouring them and sucking them inside its stomach, where they are forever to be burned in the flames...

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    In legend, it is said that Leviathan's own body serves as its own realm of Hell and preys upon souls that attempt to escape from the Inferno, devouring them and sucking them inside its stomach, where they are forever to be burned in the flames of its body. According to Michaelis' classification of demons, Leviathan was a prince of the Seraphim who tempts people to give into heresy, and is opposed by St. Peter.

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