The Other Princes Of Hell

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     We have talked about the 7 princes of hell in the previous chapters, but beside them there are a multitude of other princes in hell. The Seven Princes of Hell, also known as the Seven Emperors of Hell or Seven Kings of Hell, are the highest authority in even above the and any other and . Even though it is known as the "seven" princes, there had always been far more than seven. The most popular princes remain Lucifer, Belphegor, Mammon, Beelzebub, Satan, Leviathan and Asmodeus.

     The Seven Princes were originally high-ranking angels that resided within Heaven. During their time in Heaven they developed a camradere with one another and often bonded over certain topics during discussion. Due their high-ranking status amongst the angelic choir they were revered and praised with some even being chiefs of the choirs they were in.

     However, it was not until Lucifer declared war against the Almighty that they found themselves uniting as leading forces for the Morning Star's army of rebel angels. Each of the then-princes would rebel for their own personal reasons or beliefs although the only exception to that would be Belphegor as he chose neither God nor Lucifer's side during the rebellion. These seven rebel angels individually fought some of the mightiest angels only to fall to their power thus developing fiercely antagonistic relationships with said angels for eons to come.

 These seven rebel angels individually fought some of the mightiest angels only to fall to their power thus developing fiercely antagonistic relationships with said angels for eons to come

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       For centuries, Hell has been organized by Lucifer into the ruling body called the Seven Princes with him alongside Satan and Beelzebub forming the Satanic Triumvirate. Overtime, they grew strong and usurped dominion over all of lower planes with Lucifer and Satan being the true rulers whilst Beelzebub becomes second-in-command and is more or less an aid to the great fallen angels. Meanwhile the others would rule over different, vast areas of their lands. Each Prince was responsible for their own subjects and lands. Many enjoyed how organized this system was, though a select few hated being forced at the bottom for the others to be on top.

           Other princes of Hell: 

Pythius - Despair

Merihem - Lust

Dis - Wrath

Mephistopheles - Pride (also Wrath)

Dagan - Envy

Azazel - Vanity (also Lust)

Belial - Sloth (also Wrath)

Bael - Wrath

Ramiel - Pride

Astaroth - Sloth (also Gluttony)

Abaddon - Sloth (also Wrath and Discord)

Aamon/Amaymon - Wrath

Levistus - Wrath (also Envy)

I will talk in the next chapters about each one of them.

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