Chapter 4

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- Oh shut up. - I said holding her even tighter than before. 

We didn't keep our eyes off each other the whole time. It was like her envious foster green eyes were eating my nature subtle brown eyes. I didn't want to think of her that way. I'm supposed to hate her.

- Ughh! - Amelia's groans of struggle were starting to get louder and louder. I was wondering if we were gonna survive this. 

- Amelia how's going? - I shouted with struggle.

- Almost there I promise! It's just- ugh the mud is slippery because of the rain!

- I have an idea. Pull my suspenders not my legs! 

- But Berthu- I mean sir those are your- 

- I don't care, pull them! - I didn't let her finish, obviously our lives were on the literal edge.

And just like that, with all the force and screams, Amelia pulled my suspenders and waist. I didn't let go of Eve even for a second. We were all in fear and struggle but we all were found on the ground 15 seconds later. My suspenders broke because of the force but I didn't care. On the other side, my mother though... I even think those were 'inherited' suspenders. I wonder If she's out there looking for me. 

We were all sighing, trying to reach the air. I looked at Eve to see if she was hurt and she wasn't. Then I turned my head to see if Amelia was hurt. She wasn't neither. I sighed with relief.

- Was the honey worth it? - I said turning my head to Eve, addressing to her. It was still raining and my hair had fallen over my eyes, so I couldn't see the whole her but she was smiling.

We came back an hour later and everyone died of the worry, reaching to us and asking us questions. I was holding Eve over the shoulder, her one arm over my shoulder. 

- Oh dear Lord, they are back! - one of her friends were waiting for us outside and then quickly reached to us to help us. Short after, all of them ran outside. 

Four of them had took over Eve and took her outside while two of them checked if Amelia was hurt and helped her to get inside. Before they went inside I stopped walking towards their house. It was time for me to leave. I was becoming selfish with all the love they have been giving me. Eve was right, they spoiled me. Soon after, my family would find me. And if they found me in here... they would lock them up or even hurt them. I can't let that happen. So I just stopped. Everything. Talking. Walking. In THEIR peace. I HAVE to leave them alone. So I did.

- Sir what are you doing, It's raining you'll catch a cold. Get inside. - said one of women that was holding Eve.

- No. - I replied.

She turned around, confused and switched with her other friend to hold Eve. The rest of them got inside not suspecting what was happening. She started walking towards me but before I let her say something I cut her.

- I'm not coming in.

- Oh well If you want, there are other rooms you cou-

- No, you're not getting. I'm not coming in. Ever. I need to leave you alone. Soon they will start looking for me and they will find me. I can't put you in danger. You have been too nice to me.

I thought she was gonna convince me to stay but she opened her mouth and stopped. Like she really thought about it. And then just nodded.

- I understand. Do you need some supplies? I can ask Azura to pack you som-

- No. You've done too much for me. I need to go like I escaped so they don't suspect.

- Alright. Before you leave... - she pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and gave it to me. On the paper was already written her name, Cora and the name of their street and house. It was smeared a little because of the rain but It was visible.

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