Chunin Exams Begin

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Ryuu POV

"Ugh! What time is it." I said as I crawled out of bed.

"Gahh! I'm late!" 

"Ahhh! Gotta go! Gotta go! Gotta go!" I shouted as I got ready and ran out the door. 

I stopped at a dango place and got some before going back to running towards the academy.

"Sorry I'm late, don't hit me Sakura!" I said bowing at my teammates' feet. 

"I'm not gonna hit you Ryuu. Let's just go inside."

"Huh?" I asked completely clueless as to what was going on. "Alright! Sakura's nice now! Let's go!" I shouted pumping my fist in the air with Naruto's.

When we walked inside there was a commotion in front of the 'exam room'.

"You're taking the chunin exams but you can't even get past us?" A boy with bandages on his face asked/

"Why don't you just give up now before you get hurt?" Another boy with a bandana asked.

"Yeah, I think I hear your mommy calling for you." Bandages said laughing. 

"Please let us through!" A girl with buns said. "We're supposed to go in there."

She started to get up but bandana punched her. Ha! I wanted to laugh so badly, but this is supposed to be a serious situation and stuff. 

"Did you say harsh? Don't kid yourself." Bandages said. "We're being nice by comparison. The exams are gonna make this look like a picnic."

"Some of you won't survive the exams. Others will be wrecked for life. And some of you may go crazy. For chunin, it's always life or death." Bandana added on.

"You think it's a joke?" Bandages asked. "Chunin are qualified to lead missions. The lives of your squad members are in your hands, so you better be tough enough to take the heat. Delicate little girls don't belong here."

"We're just thinning out the herd." Bandana once again added on. "You won't pass anyway, so go home and play with your dolls.

Sasuke was about to step forwards and say something, so I tapped his arm and shook my head. Thankfully he listened to me. 

"Kotetsu, Izumo!" I shouted like an excited puppy, "What're ya doing here? Shouldn't you be on gate duty?" I asked innocently. "Oh, and why are you so small, did ya shrink?" 

"Ryuu! Shut up! You're gonna blow our cover." They whisper shouted in my ear.

"Ahh, I see." I said, "You saw me getting dango, so now you're gonna try and steal it!" 

"What?!" Everyone shouted looking at me like I was an idiot.

"Alright! I guess I'm just gonna have to beat you up!" I shouted pointing at them.

"You idiot! You're not gonna beat anyone up!" Sakura shouted munching my head.

"But, Sakura!" I whined, "They're gonna steal my food. And what happened to you being all nice."

"Yeah, well it's hard when your a god damn idiot all the time!"

"Not all the time!" I shouted in defense.

"Just when I'm not being smart," I said like a philosopher with Naruto nodding at my words.

"Idiots." Sasuke grumbled, "Now both of you step aside and let me-"

*cough* "Us." *cough* I 'coughed out'.

"-through." Sasuke continued, "And while you're at it, reverse the genjutsu. We can see through your illusion anyway. We're going to the third floor."

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