Team Assignments

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Ryuu's POV:

I was sneaking into class again today. I saw Naruto and Sasuke kissing, so I used them as a distraction.

Hehehe. I knew Sasuke was gay! Oh right, poor Naruto.

Then I felt someone watching me, right as Iruka stepped in. I looked over to the corner of the room and narrowed my eyes. 

Then I heard the pink-haired banshee say, "Iruka-Sensei, Ryuu snuck in when you left. He was late again." 

"Hey!! Sakura I've never ratted you out for being late!" I whined pointing at her like she committed murder. 

"That's because I've never been late, idiot!" Sakura yelled with her fist raised threateningly at me.

I pouted, muttering about suck-ups and tattle tails.

"Ok, so maybe I was a little late, but I have a really good reason. You see, I was coming to school when I saw this terrifying-looking scarecrow. And it was scaring all the little kids away from the playground. And be being the amazingly brave person I am, decided to destroy the scarecrow. So I beat it up and burned it. This was no easy feat. It was one tough scarecrow. But, in the end, I won and it was nothing more than I pile of ashes. So, Iruka-Sensei. Can you really be mad at me for helping the young children of our village?" 

The whole class sweatdropped, but Iruka-Sensei just sighed at my antics and said, "Ryuu, it's your last day. You could've shown up on time or at least have told the truth." He sounded frustrated, but I didn't really care.

"Damn!! It's the last day!" I shouted. He nodded, thinking I was coming to my senses. 

"I could've slept in 5 hours instead of 1!" Then I looked up and saw everyone's shocked (or in Iruka's case, angry) faces and said, "I mean killed ugly scarecrows and helped old people for 5 hours." I did a cheeky smile.

"SHUT UP AND STOP BEING STUPID!!" Sensei yelled as he did the big-headed Jutsu.

"Sorry, Iruka-Sensei I can't hear you. My eardrums are still broken from when you yelled at me yesterday." I said pretending that I couldn't hear.

"Good one Ryuu!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I know right!" I then realized my mistake."I mean I can't hear sorry Naruto!" I said trying not to laugh at Iruka's face. 

Cue being chased around the school by Iruka.

Hokage's office; Third POV:

"This boy, he isn't serious is he?" A no-named jounin asked.

"Well, I think he's telling the truth. If not it's a very well thought out lie." Kakashi eye smiled. 

Everyone sweatdropped.

"Yes, but even if he's a bad liar, he must be some sort of sensor if he was able to pinpoint us," Asuma said as if he didn't hear Kakashi.

Said person pouted at his dismissal, although you couldn't see it because of his mask.

3 hours later at the academy; Ryuu's POV:

"Ugh!! What's taking so long!" Naruto yelled.

"NARUTO SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET, like Sasuke~" She screamed obnoxiously batting her eyelashes at Sasuke. 

"Hey, Naruto. Why don't we prank him?" I asked with a smirk.

"Hehehe. You're right." He grabbed a chalkboard eraser and wedged between the door so that it would land on our new sensei's head. I added water and chakra to it, so it would be heavier and wet. I high five Naruto when we heard that banshee yell, "NARUTO, RYUU!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUR SENSEI MIGHT GET MAD!!"

"Yeah, well that is the point Pinky," I explained like it was obvious.

"Yeah, yeah. Our sensei is the only one who's late, so this is what he gets. SURPRISE!" Naruto exclaimed. 

"Tch. Our sensei is a jounin, an elite, he won't fall for some stupid pranks. Dobes." 

"Sasuke, don't call yourself a dobe. We already knew. You don't need to make yourself feel worse by admitting it." I retaliated with an innocent facade. 

"Hn." Sasuke got an irk mark and looked away from us.

Just then a hand appeared in the doorway and the eraser fell on grey hair with a THUD/SPLASH.

"HAHAHAHAHA!! YOU FELL FOR IT. YOU FELL FOR IT. LOOK RYUU OUR PRANK WORKED!" Naruto exclaimed pointing at our new sensei. However, I was too busy being depressed in the corner to realize.

"Why, why, why? Why me? Why do I have to be with the stupid scarecrow with stupid hair? Stupid old man. " I whispered crying anime tears.

Our sensei looked at me with a raised eyebrow and said, "Ok? Well anyways, my first impression of you guys...I hate you." He said simply with an eye smile.

"Don't worry, I hate you and your freakish hair too," I muttered, but he heard me.

"Hmm. And why is that?" He questioned.

"I don't need to tell you." I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Alright then, meet me on the roof." Our sensei disappeared with a poof of smoke.

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