The Sand Team

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Ryuu's POV

"I heard you almost got killed." The Hokage said to me.

"I was protecting the mission," I said in a monotone voice.

"I see. Do be careful though." He said in response.

"The chunin exams are coming up. You'll have to be extra cautious. You have already taken the chunin exams and have passed so you'll be doing it alone. You must pass. The mission will be easier for you then."

"Yes Hokage-sama," I replied kneeling before vanishing in a swirl of leaves.


"Look at you, your hopeless Naruto." Sakura sighed. She had one of Naruto's arms wrapped around her shoulder to keep I'm supported. Sasuke had the other and I was walking next to Kakashi-sensei, listening to their conversation.

"You really are just one big problem," Sasuke smirked. I didn't even have the energy to add on because I had spent the whole morning saving Naruto from getting killed by his stupidness.

"Grrrrrrr. Sasuke!" Naruto shouted coming loose of their hold. 

Sakura put her arm in front of Naruto before he could charge. "If you keep this up, I'll finish you myself."

"Ehh. Naruto's being threatened by a girl." I teased him. 

"You want my fist in your face too Ryuu. How nice of you to volunteer." Sakura said with her demon aura.

"Gah. I got to go, um, feed my lizard. Ya know, big slimy thing." I said running down the street.

"Eep." I heard from Sakura in the distance. 

I wasn't lying though. I do have a lizard, well more of a dragon. He's really just my summons, but he stays within Konoha or goes on dangerous missions with me.

I got home and saw a medium-sized bright red dragon with orange horns and orange on his wings. His name is Jigoku no hi(hell's fire), or Jigoku(hell) for short. 

I was feeding him when I felt a spike of bloodlust within the village

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I was feeding him when I felt a spike of bloodlust within the village. I quickly grabbed my weapons pouch and ran out the door locking it on my way. 

When I got there I saw a boy about Naruto's age standing upside down on the tree that Sasuke was sitting on. He had blood-red hair and teal eyes. The bags under his eyes made him look like a panda and he was very pale. He was wearing a black shirt over mesh armor, black 3/4 pants with wrappings around his ankles, a giant gourd on his back, and black sandals. His chakra was very similar to that of a tailed beast, which led me to believe that he was a jinchuriki. 

The was an older kid in a catsuit holding Konohomaru. He was tall and had something in wrappings on his back. He had purple marking painted on his face and lips. He had on black fingerless gloves, black sandals, and a standard weapons pouch on his right thigh. His headband was on his hood.

 There was also a girl that looks the same age as him with blonde hair that had 4 buns and a giant fan on her back. She was wearing a short white fighting kimono over mesh armor with a red sash keeping it tight around her hips.  She had on black sandals and her headband around her neck. They all had headbands from Suna, so they were probably here for the Chunin exams.

Naruto was on the ground after being tripped by a chakra string, while Sakura, Udon, and Moegi stayed back. I saw Sasuke pick up a pebble and waited to see what he would do. When he threw it the cat guy started to get mad.

I shushined right above the red-haired boy and asked him quietly, "What will you do? You seem angry." 

He wasn't startled, he had sensed my presence come next to him. "I'll kill him if he pisses me off anymore."

"Ahh. That is an easy way to get rid of annoyances isn't it." I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye.

"It's weird, isn't it. How easy it is to take one's life. Yet at the same time, it can be the hardest thing In the world for some people. And yet they aren't weak. It gets ya really thinking. Oh well, nothing we can do about it." I was about to leave when I turned to him and said, "If you want, I know a seals master that could keep the one-tails at bay so you can sleep at night."

His eyes widened in shock, but before he could respond I vanished. They'll be fine without me. I turned the corner of the road where they were standing and walked right past them. I made eye contact and gave a slight nod of the head to the red-haired boy. 

"Hey, guys! What're you all just standing there for?" I asked pretending to be confused.

"YOU DID NOTHING TO HELP!!!" Sakura shouted.

"Gahh. Help with what. Were we supposed to be on a mission? Oh no!" I started 'freaking out'.

"Nevermind," Sakura said as she walked off. 

I saw a hawk fly above my head a knew that it was my queue to leave. "Sorry guys, I gotta go. I have, um, this thing."

"Oh yeah, what thing," Sakura asked suspiciously.

"Alright you caught me, I've got explosive diarrhea," I said. She made a grossed out face at that and I used their distraction to run away.


I was standing in the corner of the room with my Anbu gear on, watching the jounin meeting. The only people that spotted me were the proctors for the exam and the other experienced jounin. Sadly the new jounins didn't even notice my presence. 

"I have summoned you for a very important purpose," Hokage-sama started, "Seeing your fellow jounin here, I'm sure you realize what this is about."

"So soon?" Questioned Kakashi-sensei, his eyes flicking over to me before quickly looking back at the Hokage. "I thought we'd have a little more time."

"I take it all the other lands have been notified about the coming event." Asuma continued. "I noticed some of their genins have already arrived in the village."

"And when do we start? Kurenai asked. 

"We will begin in one week," Hokage-sama responded.

"That's pretty short notice," Kakashi-sensei said, his eyes widening slightly. 

"Take heed," Hokage-sama says exhaling smoke from his pipe. "Exactly seven days from today, on the first day of July, the genin will be gathered and tested. Only the very best will be selected as chunin."

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