20. bloody ambrosia

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in vino veritas.

wine, the modern ambrosia,
warms the throat
so that trapped tokens of sentiment
may flow more freely.

in vino veritas.

wine, sanguinary ambrosia,
burns the throat
so that lost souls choke
on painful realities; harsh actualities.
a venom so sweet.

in vino veritas.

a warning sign:
you pine for someone, anyone,
something, anything different.
grass is always greener when it's theirs.

in vino veritas.

spirits stream from furtive flasks
And ghosts emerge.
So precariously,
we don slow, suffusing masks.

in vino veritas.

you filled yourself.
you emptied yourself.
you lost yourself
In the blur of the booze.
bold declarations became a ruse
to conceal your stagnation.

in vino veritas.

i didn't need a hero; an emperor;
but as delirious as Nero, you became an actor.

in vino veritas.

i didn't need a martyr, pure and true.
through and through, I needed a father, not a faker.

i lost you in those swirls of bloody ambrosia.

in vino veritas.
postquam vinum, vix vir.


"in vino veritas" = "in wine there is truth"

" postquam vinum, vix vir" = "after wine, there is scarcely a man"

Written by me - please don't plagiarise or share without my permission 💗

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- Athena5137

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