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*Tilliane's POV*

" I may never see him again, Ash, EVER again.", I told Ashton, my best friend, crying hysterically.

"Hush Till, don't say that. I'm sure he's out there somewhere, safe and sound.", replied Ashton in a very concerned tone.

Neal Merrik, my boyfriend, had been missing for over three days. His parents had died in a car accident a few years ago, and he was living alone in his large, sprawling home. I thought to myself, that in a town as mysterious as Broxhamwood, there was no coming back once you were gone. For good or for not.

The police force of Broxhamwood, had assured me the best search parties from all over would be a part of the search.

I had completely lost my appetite, I had no reasons to go to school. I would just sit in the corner of my room and listen to sad songs all day long.

I could NOT handle it anymore. Strange thoughts came to my mind. I began to imagine beastly things. I must have probably fainted, because the next thing I know, I'm in the hospital room, surrounded by my mum, dad, Ashton and Emily, my next door neighbour, who was the one who found me 'hallucinating'.

I returned home a few hours later, after my mum and dad had given me enough lectures on being determined, strong-willed, hopeful and confident.

My mum, Sally Abrox, made sure that I went to sleep that night, so she sat on my hammock swing with an Anne Frank book and soon fell asleep there. I knew that I wouldn't have been able to get some sleep, so I went to my window, and looked deep into the darkness. I gazed at the twinkling stars and the bright crescent moon.
I sighed, thinking how lonely he must be feeling, out in that cruel world, without anyone he could trust if he was alive. IF he was alive.

*Ashton's POV*
Till was really afraid about losing Neal. It was like a part of her had been broken and thrown away. I was pretty concerned about her, because she had known Neal for over 10 years and I could not think how she would survive without him.

I hardly went to school, only to submit assignments and for special classes. I knew Tilliane needed someone with her, so on Friday afternoon, I went over to her house.

I asked her calmly, "Till, temme what's wrong? Why are you doing this to yourself?"

She started speaking as a tear escaped from her right eye.

"Th-The police came home this morning. They found a body".

"WHAT!? IS IT NEAL'S?" I said, starting to cry.

"I don't know yet. Th-Th-They told me to come t the hospital to ide-identify the body."

" Oh my god Tilly I'm so, so sorry"

Tilliane nodded and started to cry again, with her head on my lap. We stayed like that for a little bit until the telephone rang. I picked it up, my hands shaking.

"Hello", I said.

"Good Afternoon, is this the Abrox resident?"


"Umm.... We would like Ms. Tilliane Abrox to come in for the identification of the body."

I was dead silent. I didn't know what to say.

"Hello?" The operator said.

"Uhhh... Yes um... We'll be there in a half hour. Thank you."

I quickly turned back at Tilly.

"Well what'd they say?", She asked anxiously.

"We need to go for the identification now."

She was silent and a tear dropped down from her eye.

She grabbed her coat and we were ready to go. The drive to the hospital was not very conversational. I tried to lighten the mood by playing some of Till's favourite John Legend albums, but that didn't liven her up. I mean, I didn't expect her to be extremely cheery, considering we were going to identify a dead body, but John Legend always made her happy. I had never seen my best friend like this and I had no idea what to do.

Soon we arrived at the hospital. 

*Tilliane's POV*

When we reached the hospital, my hands started to shake and I began to shiver. I didn't want to do this alone. My parents had flown to Canada for a business trip, and I was living alone at home. The cop escorted us to the morgue. We were so worried. I started to tremble as I walked towards the lifeless body. The cops began to remove the cover as a tear escaped from my lids.

This was it. 

My heart began to beat faster and faster as I shut my eyes.

I opened my eyes and looked at the body.

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