Argument James Phelps X Reader

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Y'all, thank you so much for 15k readers!. That is sooooo crazy and lovely at the same time, you guys give me the motivation to write more. Again thank you so much, have a good day

James has been busy because of his work and interviews for the Harry Potter series, and You His girlfriend need his time too, but you understand His situation that's why you just help him cope with stress. However, today is you're anniversary, as you sat down at the dinner table full of James' favorite food waiting for him to come home. You keep checking the time every minute patiently waiting "It's already 11:30 pm where is He? " you groaned 'He remembers our anniversary right?'

Time passed and James is still not home, you finally gave up and got to you're room instead. After all those missed calls and messages you sent, you still got nothing from him. As you were scrolling through you're phone you saw one of James friend post on Facebook. It's a photo of a bunch of men holding a beer, and James is with them. Smiling like a stupid kid. Sadness and anger start to flow through you're body 'Boys Night out! Having fun with the ladies! #Bno #Beer' the captions says. How can you do this? Do you even care about this relationship? Do you love me? tears started to form in you're eyes, sitting up and looked at the pictures. You sob harder seeing you're boyfriend on a boy's night out while forgetting his anniversary with you.

Moments later

After crying for hours you fell asleep crawled up in a blanket, still sad and angry. It's now 5:00 in the morning, you woke up because of the noise that was made in the kitchen. You got up to see what was the noise about, it was James, and he's drunk drinking a glass of water. "Wow, you still bothered to come home huh?" you said and James stood there confused from what you're talking about "What's wrong babe?"

"What's wrong?" you scoff "You what's wrong with you?! you literally just came back home at 5:00 am in the morning DRUNK having fun with you're friends while I am here waiting for you're reply just to know where you were because I am worried sick! AND IT'S OUR ANNIVERSARY LAST NIGHT I'm just an idiot here waiting for you to come home because I want us to celebrate! until I saw that post from you're friend having fun at a bar with you, while you forgot our anniversary!"

James stood there in shock not knowing where to start, "I am stressed Y/n I need a break from work! it's not just always you. I need my time too. And you're stressed from work too right? so why can't you understand my situation?"

You just stood there shocked hearing every stupid word that he just said. You ran out of the room locking yourself in, emotions building up. You were tired and just breakdown the floor

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