Dinner table Smut Part1 (James Phelps X Reader)

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Y'all i thought that i was gonna evaporate to d3ath last week cuz i'm sick😃

James is going to meet Y/n's parents for the first time. They were together for six months and their are very positive for this relationship.

Now they arrived at Y/n's house standing infront of the door. "Ok babe are you ready?" asked Y/n to James who is beside her "uh-um love what if they don't like me?" He said, it was obvious that James was nervous he keeps fixing his tie, stroking his hair and even fixing his collar every second.

Y/n sighed and placed her hands to his cheeks "Babe they're going to like you, trust me"

James kissed her cheeks

Few seconds later Y/n finally knocked to the door,

'Knock Knock Knock'

The door was opened by Y/n's mother "Ahhh my lovely daughter! c'mere!" She greeted and pulled Y/n into a bone crushing hug, "okay okay mommy i missed you too" Y/n chuckled pulling away from the hug

Y/n's mother noticed James "Ohh you must be Y/n's boyfriend nice to meet you dear"

"Yes ma'am i'm James Phelps, Y/n's boyfriend" He replied, the mother pulled James into a hug which made Y/n giggle from the back

"Anyway, let's go inside! the food is ready" she said smiling at the couple and entering the house

James looked around the house still feeling nervous but Y/n assured him that his not alone by holding his hands

"Dad!" squealed Y/n running to the kitchen to hug her dad
"Ah i've missed ya Y/n.." her dad said

"By the way.. Dad this is my boyfriend James" Y/n said pointing at her boyfriend

The Dad's eyebrows raised at the sight

"Hello Mr. Y/l/n My name is James Phelps Y/n's boyfriend"
James reach his hand out

"You look like a handsome man like me" smiled her Dad and shake the hand, relief run through James body

"Well let's go eat!" said the mother, she put all the foods to the table as they sat down to the chairs

The dinner was little quiet at first but they got more comfortable with each other by time goes

"-Ah yes i'm an actor i played the Harry potter series as Fred Weasley for ten years" James explained

"And i heard that you have a twin brother" asked Y/n's Mother

"Yes his name is Oliver, and he is 13 minutes older than me" James replied

A phone started to ring
"Umm excuse me i have to take this call it's from work" Y/n's Dad said and stood up to go outside

"While you're father is away i'm going to do the dishes so i can put the desert" The mother said and headed to the kitchen leaving the couple alone

"I told you they will like you" Y/n said placing her hand on James thighs but it didn't seem like he noticed

James chuckled "Yeah i really thought you're Dad wasn't gonna like me"

Any minuets Y/n's Dad came back inside "i'm sorry guys, my boss just called he just asked me if i'm gonna go to work tommorow

"Deserts ready!" Announced the mother, as she placed the cake, ice cream and many more sweets

"Wow this looks so good ma'am"
said James

"Oh pls just call me M/n (Mothers name)" she replied

"Yes it's soo yummy" whispered Y/n to James in a flirtatious voice raising her hand up his thigh

James knew what was happening and go with it, he spread his legs a little giving Y/n some access, groaning and continue eating

Y/n started to palmed him over his pants rubbing it gently as he was growing harder and harder
she began to reach the waistband and smoothly inserting the inside

James was clearly struggling to eat and act like nothing was happening, Y/n found it and slowly stroking it making James groan

Y/n's Dad noticed James struggling face "You alright there James?

"Uh- yes sir i'm totally okay"
he tried forming those words as soon as he can

"I'm just going to the bathroom"
Y/n's Dad said and left the Dining table

James was growing hard every minute which made it easier to stroke it, Y/n was a tease she would stop the stroking and rub the tip of his cock making him hold a lot of moans and groans

"It's you're turn later" James cooed and Y/n smirked at him

Y'all i know it's short but there's gonna be a part 2
(this is my first smut if you don't like it it's ok BUT pls don't leave a hate comment you can leave❤️) school is just killing me right now

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