Drunk ( Part 3)Weasley Twins X Reader

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So hello again! this is the last part of 'Drunk' part 3. Before you read this pls read part 1 first. Again thank you for choosing this one-shots, i love you guys so much!

Fred's POV 

As we arrived to the girls dorm we quickly laid down Y/n to her bed. "You know Freddie i've  never seen Y/n this broken before" said George with sad a tone while looking down at Y/n placing his hands on his hips. "Me too George" i sighed, this broke my heart to see Y/n like this, "well, i think she really love her" George continued, "We can't just leave her here alone George" i said "I agree" he nodded.

" I think we can just wait for Hermione or Ginny here" i offered "okay" he replied. We sat down to a chair beside Y/n's bed. "Freddie about Y/n.... how can we say our feelings for her?" he asked looking at Y/n, "I don't know yet Georgie.. but what we need to take care right now is Y/n's condition, this must be hard for her" i ordered, "Yeah i know that Fred, but what if she found someone again? what if she broke her heart again? you know that we can treat her like a queen, we will love her until our last breath" George replied holding Y/n's hand staring into her beautiful features. "I love her too George, but just like what i said we need make Y/n feel better again".

Months later at Christmas break with the Weasley family

Y/n's POV 

Months later after that night happened i feel a lot better now, thanks to my bestfriends, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Ginny and specially the twins. They never left my side since that night which helped me develop feelings for them, but i'm not really sure if they like me back, they treat me like there little sister and it would be weird for them to know that i like the both of them. 

I woke up from the noise that were made at the window in Ginny's room at the burrow in the morning. I swing my legs out of the bed, i noticed that i'm alone in the room. Molly went to the shops with Arthur today. I checked the window, it was Fred and George throwing rocks at the window while the others are standing beside at the two redheads smiling at me. The twins looked at each other and smirked after they noticed my appearance. "What are you two idiots doing?" i asked.

"We like you Y/n!"  they confessed. I just stared shocked at them. They like me back!

"I don't like you!" i replied, everything went silent.

"Because I love you!" everyone sighed in relief and the twins face light up like a bulb. They quickly ran upstairs like a bunch of kids running for sweets. I opened the door and noticed the twins panting, they both hugged me so tight that i could barely breath. I let go of them.

"I love you guys" i said staring at there beautiful eyes 

"We love you too" they replied in snyc

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