Begging for her (Fred and George X Reader)

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Hi there again! i'm tired asf rn cuz of online class (#academicfreeze) like bish lemme yeet my whole existance out of that window hol awn....
anyway thank you again for reading this! 😽


Warnings!: a knife pointed on you're throat, bl00d

George's POV

'Where is she?!' i thought to myself while running with my brother Fred in the hallway while the war is still going at Hogwarts. I'm so scared of what's happening next, "we n-need to find her George!" said Fred, he looks like he's gonna cry because of fear that we might lose y/n, I'm not gonna let that happen. we ended up at the Gryffindor common room. we saw y/n and Bellatrix, they were pointing each other's wands to one another.

"Y/n!" shouted Fred with happiness because she's now safe, he ran behind her and I did the same thing. But Bellatrix is still pointing her wand at us, "are you guys ok?" said y/n still staring at Bellatrix, before I can say a word someone burst into the door. It's Draco before we tried to cast a spell on our wands I noticed that y/n was taken away from us, Bellatrix was holding her from the back with a knife pointed at her throat "FRED STOP IT!" I shouted, he looked at me confused until he noticed "n-no no p-please l-let go of her!" said with a stopping gazz hands "drop it now!" Bellatrix said looking at our wands, we dropped it immediately. "ok NOW LET HER GO!" I said, "oh my beautiful darling look at you're boyfriends! begging for your dearest life" Bellatrix said while walking back, I saw y/n crying, it kills me inside to see her like that.

Fred walks towards them before I could stop him because I knew what will happen next, Bellatrix slowly slits y/n's throat just a little and not deep but there was blood running through her chest "FRED STOP IT!" I shouted "AGHHH," said y/n "N-NO PLEASE S-STOP IT PLEASE" Fred said while crying.
She let go of her, y/n ran into us crying, Bellatrix and Draco just ran away, "My l-love i-i'm so so s-sorry this is my fault! i-i will never forgive m-myself for this" Fred said while he held y/n to him I grabbed my handkerchief and put in her throat "I'm s-sorry darling we let this happen to you" it's killing me inside "it's ok..... you have nothing to be sorry for, this is Bellatrix fault Fred..." y/n whispered while she's looking to our eyes "we need to bring her to mom!" Fred said I carried her to my arms bringing her close to me while running to the hallways "I love you" y/n said, "We love you too"

Yeah I know it's just the same from chapter one I just want to do this cuz why not
(again sorry if it's too short)
I love y'all!

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